"Then... I brought delicious food for you, dear fourth master, and I helped fourth master cook dumplings at night, shouldn't I be rewarded?"

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile, her slightly bent eyes were full of sly light.

Seeing his little wife smiling like a little fox, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up in a doting arc.

"Okay, my little wife, what reward do you want?"

Di Yanmo raised his hand and gently scratched the tip of her nose, his eyes full of pampering.


At this time, the elevator door opened.

In order not to be tortured to death by the two dogs, Di Yanfeng immediately ran away the moment the elevator opened.

And the two behind them walked out of the elevator unhurriedly.

After hearing Di Yanmo's answer without hesitation, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up.

Lin Qian Yi first looked around, and when she found that there was no one there, she looked brilliantly at her fourth master.

"I'm tired."

Lin Qian Yi looked at her family and kissed the fourth master and said.

A hint of pampering flashed in Di Yanmo's deep eyes, he reached out and patted her on the head lightly, and immediately wanted to hug her.

However, Lin Qian Yi stepped aside.


Di Yanmo looked at his little wife suspiciously.

"I don't want to hug, I want you to carry me on your back."

Lin Qian Yi smiled treacherously, her delicate smile was full of complacency.

Di Yanmo was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, "Naughty ghost."

Di Yanmo's slender fingers lightly scratched the tip of his little wife's nose, then turned around, slightly lowered.

Seeing Di Yanmo's straightforwardness, Lin Qian Yi's eyes flashed with surprise.

She thought that with the cool temper of her fourth master, she would not agree.

It seems that her family's fourth master pampers and pampers her more than she imagined.

Lin Qian Yi's heart was so warm that it almost melted her heart.

Immediately, Lin Qian Yi unceremoniously climbed onto Di Yanmo's broad back, and said happily, "It's so good to kiss Fourth Master, I really love to kiss Fourth Master!"

Being carried away by Di Yanmo, Lin Qian Yi smiled happily, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

After Di Yanmo heard what Lin Qian Yi blurted out inadvertently, his deep eyes suddenly filled with monstrous waves, and his emotions fluctuated violently.

Feeling the softness behind him, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth slowly curled up, his handsome face was full of pampering.

His little wife finally said that she loved him. Although it was just a blurted word, but... that was the truth after all, wasn't it?

Although Di Yanmo really wanted to hear his little wife say that he loved him again, but if he really did that, his little wife's temper would definitely deny what he just said.

So, it's better for him not to mention it again.

However, just as Di Yanmo thought, Lin Qian Yi immediately realized her unintentional confession as soon as she spoke.

Lin Qian Yi's white and tender face instantly turned crimson, and her smiling face, which was originally as bright as a chrysanthemum, instantly turned into a bitter one.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi could not wait to hit a piece of tofu.

It's too embarrassing to confess in public or something!

the most important is! Her family's fourth master was indifferent to her confession? !

Although it was just a blurted confession, it was what she wanted to say the most in her heart, and the fourth master didn't respond...

For a while, Lin Qian Yi was a little depressed...

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