Di Yanwei completely ignored the strange looks from everyone and just ate the food Kang Junyan brought her 'elegantly'.

It was as if she was not here to attend the engagement party, but simply to eat.

If ordinary people were like this, they would definitely be looked down upon and laughed at.

However, having Kang Junyan by his side made a big difference.

Although they couldn't see what God Yanwei was doing, everyone didn't dare to show it, let alone laugh at it.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Seeing Kang Junyan watching her eating, Di Yan stopped slightly and said to him.

Kang Junyan rubbed her head with his big hand, and a flash of endearment flashed in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

"I won't eat, you can eat."

Watching the little wild cat eating is really pleasing to the eye.


Di Yan responded slightly and continued eating.

She didn't say anything to Kang Junyan's hot gaze, but automatically blocked it.

If she opens her mouth, Kang Junyan, a big bastard, will definitely make another mess.

Therefore, she'd better talk less. He can watch as much as he likes. Anyway, she won't lose a piece of flesh.

Yan Ping, who was standing aside, couldn't help but feel gratified when he saw how "loving" the chief and his wife were.

Madam finally knows about the leader.

If Di Yanwei knew what he was thinking, he would definitely yell at him and say: Sao Nian, I am called able to bend and stretch, to cultivate my glory and hide my obscurity.

While Di Yanwei was eating, a host walked onto the high platform.

After the host said some scene words, it was time for the male and female protagonists of the engagement party to take the stage.

Today, Xu Yixi and Gong Yadi are both wearing specially customized white dresses.

Wearing a white suit and a gentle smile on his face, Xu Yixi looks a bit like Prince Charming at first glance.

And Gong Yadi, wearing a white floor-length gauze dress, looked like a princess in a fairy tale, and the men present couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Looking at the two people on the stage, everyone said polite words about the talented and beautiful woman.

Looking at Xu Yixi on the stage, he made an affectionate promise to Gong Yadi, and finally put a ring on Gong Yadi.

After the whole process, Di Yanwei felt that her heart was very calm, and all the ripples in the past had disappeared.

Kang Junyan, who was sitting next to Di Yanwei, never looked away from her.

Seeing her staring intently at the people on the stage, a flash of coldness flashed across her eyes as dark as an eagle.

At the same time, the body temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

But Di Yanwei was stunned and didn't notice it.

However, Yan Ping on the side noticed it.

Yan Ping couldn't help but wailed in his heart. The chief and his wife were so 'loving' just now, why did the air conditioner turn off in the blink of an eye?

Although Yan Ping wanted to ease the relationship between the two, he had no other choice because neither of them was someone he could offend.

Soon, Yan Ping's 'worry' quickly dissipated.

Because Kang Junyan's air conditioning disappeared without a trace after a moment.

Kang Junyan, who had been staring at Di Yanwei, saw that although she was looking at the people on the stage, there was nothing strange in her smart eyes.

Therefore, he took it back without leaving a trace, and the cold air radiated from his body.

It seemed that he had really wronged the little wildcat.

Thinking of this, Kang Junyan's thin lips raised slightly, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

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