My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1227 Compared to the head of my family, he is nothing!

In response to Mr. Gong's question, Di Yanwei looked innocent.

"Actually, I don't know what's going on. Maybe after Miss Gong comes out, it would be more clear to you by asking her."

Looking at Di Yanwei with an innocent face, Mr. Gong's expression became even more ugly.

Those old eyes were staring at Di Yanwei, and the aura on his body burst out instantly, as if he wanted to shout at Di Yanwei.

However, Di Yanwei was not even afraid of Kang Junyan, the famous God of War, so how could he be afraid of Mr. Gong, a businessman?

Therefore, under the glare of Mr. Gong, Di Yanwei remained leisurely and relaxed, showing no fear at all.

"Di Yanwei! It was you, you were the one who harmed Yadi, right?"

Xu's mother, who was standing behind Mr. Gong, finally couldn't help but jump out and scold Di Yanwei.

Her tone seemed to be that she was sure that Di Yanwei was the one who harmed Gong Yadi, and she didn't even have a chance to defend Di Yanwei.

Regarding Xu's mother's accusation, Di Yan frowned slightly and said indifferently, "Ms. Xu, you said that I harmed Gong Yadi, do you have any evidence?"

"I, you..."

Lin Zhenzhen was used to being strong, and no one had ever been so unfaithful to her.

And she never thought that Di Yanwei, who had allowed her to ridicule him before, would actually refute her in public.

Lin Zhenzhen's face turned red and she glared at Di Yanwei fiercely, "The evidence is right? The evidence is that you are not willing to let my son be engaged to Yadi.

You like my son, but my son doesn't like you, a vicious woman, so you deliberately came to the engagement party to cause trouble.

You even did such cruel things to Yadi, Di Yanwei, you have a dark heart!

Do you want my son to like you? Want to enter my Xu family? Don't even think about it in this life! "

Lin Zhenzhen spoke excitedly and righteously, and at the same time, she spoke confidently and arrogantly.

It was as if being able to enter her Xu family was a blessing earned by others over several lifetimes.

Di Yanwei only found this very funny and didn't understand where Lin Zhenzhen's mysterious confidence came from.

Di Yanwei no longer wanted to say anything more to someone like Lin Zhenzhen who was self-centered and believed that everything was right.

Seeing that Di Yanwei stopped talking, Lin Zhenzhen immediately thought that she had acquiesced, and her face became even more sneering, with eyes full of contempt.

"Son, you have to take a closer look. This woman does not deserve anyone's sympathy at all. Even if she dies, she deserves it!"

Lin Zhenzhen took the opportunity to preach to Xu Yixi.

Xu Yixi did not reply immediately, but looked at Di Yanwei with complicated eyes, as if he did not believe that Di Yanwei would do such a thing.


Xu Yixi looked at Di Yanwei with a sad face, and said with a suppressed voice, "Why are you doing this?

Yadi is innocent, how could you do this to her?

I am the one who chose to be with her. Even if you have any dissatisfaction, you should face me instead of hurting Yadi! "

At the end of the sentence, a trace of anger appeared on Xu Yixi's face, as if he could finally bear it no more.

Looking at Xu Yixi's affectionate accusation, Di Yanwei frowned. At this moment, she suddenly felt disgusted with Xu Yixi.

"Mr. Xu, although I really don't want to say it, I still want to say, Mr. Xu, you are thinking too much.

Compared to the head of my family, you are nothing!

So, what you said about unwillingness and frame-up are all bullshit! Understand? "

Di Yanwei said unceremoniously, without any intention of giving Xu Yixi any face.

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