My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1231 You are my woman, who dares to ask for it?

"Go to a place with me tomorrow." Kang Junyan said.

"Where to go?"

Di Yan asked warily.

"You'll know when you go."

Kang Junyan did not answer, but gave it a try.

Di Yan frowned slightly and looked at him sideways, "How do I know if you will sell me out?"

Although she said it was a bit exaggerated.

However, Kang Junyan is not a good person, and he is also moody. If he has any ideas, she really can't see through it.

Kang Junyan kept saying that she was his woman, but there were so many things he said casually.

If everyone believed it, then the world would not be flooded with women’s tears, right?

What's more, the person who said this is a cold-blooded and iron-blooded leader who is rumored to hate women?

Therefore, she selectively ignored Kang Junyan's love words and the like.

Di Yanwei's words made Kang Junyan chuckle, "You are my woman, who dares to ask for it?"

At this point, Kang Junyan paused, and then said with deep meaning, "Besides, are you sure you can sell it for a good price?"

Seeing the obvious amusement in his eyes, Di Yanwei glanced at him coldly, "Don't forget, I am your boss now.

Even if I want to sell, I will sell you first.

Tsk tsk, although you are not a very good person, you still have a pretty good skin.

Well, I should be able to get a good price, enough for me to have a big meal. "

Di Yanwei tapped his chin with a finger and said with a serious look on his face.

After saying that, Di Yanwei smiled brightly and asked Kang Junyan, "Are you right? Sir."

Seeing her proud look, the curvature of Kang Junyan's mouth remained unchanged, and his dark eyes became hot.

"You're right."

Kang Junyan nodded, seeming to agree with Di Yanwei's words.

However, the conversation changed after a moment, "However, although I am your employee, I can choose to be an honest person.

Being open and honest makes you more popular, right? "

Kang Junyan easily defeated the entire army, which made Di Yanwei have the urge to strangle him on the spot.

Being open and honest wins people's hearts? How unpopular!

In country A, the powerful leader, who covers the sky with one hand, does he need to win people's hearts? !

As long as he stamps his feet, who dares to object? Who dares to deny the promise? !

Therefore, Kang Junyan, this big bastard, is simply telling lies! Chi Guoguo threatened her!

"You win!"

Although he knew it was a threat, Di Yanwei still had to give in.

Who makes Kang Junyan's words carry so much weight?

Therefore, in the end, power still crushes people to death!


Di Yanwei's compromise made Kang Junyan smile evilly and touched her head with his big hand.


Di Yanwei rudely pushed away his clutches and glared at him, "Don't speak until I ask you to speak later."

"Okay, my BOSS."

Kang Junyan was not angry, but smiled even more charmingly.

Di Yanwei stared at him, almost not being bewitched by his charming smile.

After cursing 'monster' in his heart, he turned around and stopped looking at Kang Junyan.

She was afraid that she might not be able to bear it anymore and strangle Kang Junyan to death, so she decided not to see him.

Looking at the angry little wild cat, Kang Junyan became more and more happy.

At this time, everyone gradually returned to the banquet, Qianqian began to whisper, and at the same time, she would glance at Di Yanwei from time to time.

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