"I framed you? How did I frame you?

And why should I apologize? What am I did wrong? "

Di Yanwei looked directly at Huo Shiyi without any hint of guilt.


Seeing that Di Yanwei still looked innocent, Huo Shiyi's face suddenly turned red with anger.

Then he argued excitedly, "You came close to me on purpose, forcing me to step back and step on my cousin's skirt.

It's you, it's you who caused my cousin to do this. Don't deny it. My cousin and I can both testify!

Therefore, you must apologize to my cousin, otherwise..."

"What else?"

Before Huo Shiyi could finish her words, Di Yanwei interrupted directly and looked at her with a half-smile.

"Sue me? Beat me? Or don't let me walk out of the door here?"

Di Yanwei looked calm and turned to look at Kang Junyan beside him, "Sir, if I am imprisoned, you must remember to call the police for me."

Di Yanwei's natural words left everyone present speechless.

Call the police? Kang Junyan, a powerful man right in front of him, actually offered to call the police for her? !

Did Di Yanwei do it deliberately?

Just when everyone thought Kang Junyan would say something domineering, Kang Junyan actually nodded obediently?

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened in horror, looking at Kang Junyan in disbelief, as if to confirm whether he was real.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Kang Junyan instantly changed back to his cold appearance, his dark eagle eyes scanning the crowd sharply.

When Kang Junyan glanced at him, everyone withdrew their gazes in horror, not daring to look at him again.

Kang Junyan, who is known as the King of Hell, is indeed worthy of his reputation. Just a look in his eyes can already scare people from the bottom of their hearts.

"Poetry! Miss Di is a guest, how can you talk to a guest like this? Why don't you apologize!"

Kang Junyan's attitude shocked Mr. Gong, and he hurriedly scolded Huo Shiyi with a straight face.

Although the Gong family's face must be saved, they must not offend Kang Junyan, the King of Hell.

If Kang Junyan is offended, it will not only be a matter of face for the Gong family, but also a matter of crisis for the entire Gong family!

Being scolded by Mr. Gong, Huo Shiyi immediately felt aggrieved, looking like she was about to burst into tears.

Her appearance made many men present feel pity for her.

However, Mr. Gong has lived for more than half his life, what has he not seen? How could you become soft-hearted because of this?

Seeing that Huo Shiyi didn't speak, Mr. Gong immediately became angry and shouted at her, "I asked you to apologize to Miss Di, are you deaf?!"

Faced with the family's crisis, Mr. Gong would not care about Huo Shiyi's relationship with him as a relative.

Huo Shiyi was frightened by Mr. Gong's roar. She thought that Mr. Gong was just acting.

After all, this has happened before.

However, Mr. Gong's roar was not staged at all.

Mr. Gong was usually very kind to Huo Shiyi, so when Mr. Gong yelled at her like this, Huo Shiyi was both scared and aggrieved.

Under the glare of Mr. Gong, Huo Shiyi gritted his teeth bitterly and said to Di Yanwei, "I'm sorry."

Although Huo Shiyi apologized, the way she stared at Di Yanwei was full of hatred, as if she wanted to eat Di Yanwei.

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