After all, facing Kang Junyan who covers the sky with one hand, the best thing to do is to bow your head and surrender.

In the eyes of everyone, what Huo Shiyi did was just to understand the current affairs and become a hero.

This...can be considered a different kind of appreciation?

Di Yanwei did not respond immediately to Huo Shiyi's 'sincere' apology and stared at her wantonly.

After a long time, just when Huo Shiyi couldn't stand the pressure and was about to cry, Di Yanwei finally looked away from her.

Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan beside him, as if asking for his opinion, "Sir, do you think I should forgive her?"

Di Yanwei's question made everyone surprised.

It seems that he did not expect that Di Yanwei would ask Kang Junyan such a...'pediatric' question?

That's right, in the eyes of everyone, the conflict between Di Yanwei and Huo Shiyi was nothing more than a trivial matter between women.

There is no need to bother the big shot Kang Junyan.

However, Emperor Yanwei refreshed their knowledge every time.

At the same time, it also made them more aware that Di Yanwei's position in Kang Junyan's mind was even more extraordinary.

In an instant, the eyes of many people looking at Di Yanwei became slightly hotter.

It was as if in their eyes, Di Yanwei was just a fat little sheep.

Kang Junyan didn't seem impatient with Di Yanwei's 'pediatric' problem. On the contrary... he seemed quite happy?

"As long as you like it, I will take care of anything for you."

Kang Junyan did not disappoint Di Yanwei and directly made bold words.

Regarding Kang Junyan's 'knowledge', Di Yanwei nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, if you're here to take care of it, I'll feel relieved."

Di Yanwei had no idea how to write the word politeness.

The two people's unscrupulous conversation instantly made the Gong and Xu family look horrified.

Kang Junyan would say this, which undoubtedly meant that he would leave the matter entirely to Di Yanwei.

Regardless of whether Di Yanwei was right or wrong, the unlucky ones in the end would be the Gong family, the Xu family, and of course, the Huo family.

Huo Shiyi, the culprit who had caused the trouble, instantly received the angry looks of Gong and Xu's family.

At this moment, all Huo Shiyi's pride was gone, and all that was left was panic.

She knew very well that once all her support was gone, the aura of being a young lady would no longer exist.

The most likely result is that she will become the poor person she usually looks down on the most!

Thinking of the consequences, Huo Shiyi suddenly felt that life was worse than death. This feeling made her subconsciously kneel down towards Di Yanwei.

"I'm sorry, Miss Di, for the sake of us being classmates, please let me go.

I know I was wrong, I will never go against you again, please forgive me, please forgive me, please let me go. "

Huo Shiyi said to Di Yanwei with pleading eyes.

What she said was for the sake of her classmates, not their friendship.

Because she knew that although she and Di Yanwei were classmates, not only did they not have the slightest friendship, but there were also faint signs of a bad relationship.

Of course, this was her unilateral view. From the beginning to the end, Di Yanwei never took her to heart.

At Huo Shiyi's plea, Di Yanwei's eyes flashed with surprise.

She thought that with Huo Shiyi's arrogant temperament, although she would give in, she would never kneel down in front of so many people.

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