Xu Shi felt Kang Junyan's teasing, and Di Yanwei immediately exploded.

Holding his head up and chest up, he preemptively asked: "I should be the one asking you what you are doing?"

As he said that, Di Yanwei glanced at the two women who were still kneeling on the ground with an unkind expression.

"I said Mr. Chief, should you give me an explanation?

I wasted my sleep time waiting for you, but what about you? What are you doing?

Could it be that they want to enjoy the blessings of everyone? "

Di Yan gritted his teeth in a strange way and taunted.

However, what Di Yanwei didn't notice was that at this time, she was like a wife who came to catch her husband and steal food.

Regarding Di Yanwei's hot and cold ridicule, Kang Junyan was not angry, and seemed to be in a better mood?

Seeing Kang Junyan's obviously happy expression, the anger in Di Yanwei's heart became more intense.

"What? Did I hit the mark?"

Di Yan's face darkened slightly, and he glared at Kang Junyan angrily, "Hmph, since that's the case, then I won't bother you, Mr. Chief, to enjoy the blessings of everyone."

After finishing speaking, Di Yanwei wanted to turn around and leave.

However, Kang Junyan hugged him into his arms and firmly controlled him.

"Damn! Kang Junyan, you bastard, let me go!"

Being hugged by Kang Junyan's overbearing, Di Yanwei immediately exploded, and yelled at Kang Junyan regardless.

At the same time, both hands greeted Kang Junyan unceremoniously, even his feet were not idle.

"Did you hear me, big bastard, my mother told you to let go! You are a scum with a beastly face, you stinky rascal!"

Kang Junyan, who did not refute, made Di Yanwei feel extremely uncomfortable for some reason.

So, Di Yanwei turned all the discomfort in his heart into a raging fire, and blasted it all on Kang Junyan.

"Hey, don't make trouble."

After Diyan frowned for a while, Kang Junyan smiled and comforted her gently.

However, how could Di Yanwei, who was in a rage right now, listen to him?

"Be good! Make trouble? What's wrong with my old lady?

Didn't you just accidentally disturb your good affairs, Mr. Chief, I'll get out now and don't disturb your good affairs, okay? satisfied? ! "

Di Yan roared in anger, struggling desperately in Kang Junyan's arms.

Thinking of Kang Junyan having a relationship with those two women, Di Yanwei felt angry and sour.

At the same time, Di Yanwei strongly repelled Kang Junyan's touch and approach, as if he had been blown up.

"Are you jealous?"

The more angry Di Yanwei became, the more evil the corners of Kang Junyan's mouth curved, and finally he couldn't help but groan.

Di Yanwei, who was originally in a state of anger, exploded again after hearing Kang Junyan's words.

Of course, this time it was out of embarrassment.

"Smile, smile, laugh ass!"

Di Yan glared at Kang Junyan fiercely, and seeing the smile on his face gave her the urge to bite him to death.

"You're jealous."

Kang Junyan repeated a sentence again, and this time it was no longer a question sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Di Yan stared at him slightly, and unconsciously looked away, not daring to meet his gaze.

"Hehe, Mr. Chief, what international joke are you making? Will my wife be jealous? Whose jealous? Yours?

Mr. Chief, are you thinking too much?

Although you are a heartthrob in country A, in the eyes of my mother, you are nothing more than a beast in clothes! "

Di Yanwei took a deep breath, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and sneered.

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