Bai Ping dodged Yan Ping's attack quickly, and at the same time he kept shouting angrily.

Yan Ping glanced at Bai Ping calmly, showing no concern for what he had said eight hundred times.

Seeing Bai Ping's quick movements, Di Yanwei couldn't help but be speechless.

But judging from his reaction, you can tell that he is not simple. It is okay to say he is thin, but to say he is weak is really not convincing at all.

As if feeling the contemptuous looks of several people, Bai Ping touched his nose and said, "Didn't I take a free flight?

Moreover, the boss will not let He Lianyi go, and will find He Lianyi sooner or later. Didn't I just give the boss an excuse? "

After saying that, Bai Ping looked at Kang Junyan as if he was taking credit, waiting for his praise.

"Sir, you never need an excuse."

Yan Ping once again ruthlessly destroyed the situation, "You are just too boring and just joining in the fun."

Baiping, "..."

Bai Ping gritted his teeth and stared at Yan Ping with an angry look on his face.

"You're so paralyzed, why don't you try to tear me down? In front of my sister-in-law, why don't you give me some face?!"

Bai Ping growled at Yan Ping through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Bai Ping once again believed that meeting Yan Ping, a brother, was definitely the most tragic thing in his life.

Yan Ping remained expressionless and said coldly, "You don't need face."

"Why?" Bai Ping asked subconsciously.

"Because you have no face, why do you need face?"

Yan Ping used his serious face and said words that were so infuriating that he would not pay for his life.

To be more precise, Bai Ping will not pay for his life if he is angry to death.

Bai Ping's forehead twitched, and his eyes almost burst into flames, "Yan Ping! I want to break off our relationship with you!"

Yan Ping glanced at him calmly, and finally uttered a single sound, "Oh."

"Oh, oh you bastard!"

Bai Ping, who was about to be furious, yelled at Yan Ping, and then snorted coldly, "Humph! You deserve to be an old virgin for the rest of your life."

After saying that, he shook his head arrogantly and walked downstairs.


Looking at the interaction between the two, Di Yanwei couldn't help laughing.

She thought Bai Ping was a joke before, but she hadn't seen him very often.

This time, I got to see his funny face, which was really surprising.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the host, He Lianyi, was already sitting at the main seat.

"Mr. Bai, I really feel sorry for you before, because the misunderstanding between us made you feel a little wronged.

Now, I am apologizing to you, and I hope you will not take it to heart, Mr. Bai. "

After everyone sat down, He Lianyi raised his glass to Bai Ping and said apologetically.

"Mr. Helian is serious. I have good food and good accommodation here. There is nothing wrong with him."

Bai Ping also picked up the cup and responded with a smile, "If possible, I really want to stay here for the rest of my life.

After all, the environment here is really good and it’s my favorite style. "

Bai Ping's words made the smile on He Lianyi's face freeze, but he recovered quickly.

"Haha, if Mr. Bai is willing, Mr. Bai is naturally welcome here."

It is really frustrating to be told by Bai Ping that it is like being on vacation despite being imprisoned.

Especially the master He Lianyi.

The two played Tai Chi for a while, and He Lianyi brought the topic to Kang Junyan.

"My lord, this cup is my apology to you. I accidentally offended your lord, and I ask your forgiveness, lord."

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