"It's very simple, 100 million."

Kang Junyan took a sip of red wine and spoke concisely.

When he heard one hundred million, Di Yanwei, who was eating a bun, almost didn't swallow it.

Tsk tsk, Kang Junyan is really a lion with a big mouth. He opened his mouth and asked for 100 million.

Moreover, this was still the case when He Lianyi did not steal business and succeeded.

I have to say, Kang Junyan is really evil!


He Lianyi stood up suddenly on reflex, glared at Kang Junyan and roared angrily.

Xu realized that his reaction was too intense. After taking a few deep breaths, He Lianyi spoke again.

"Sir, my goods are only worth 5 million in total. Is your 100 million too much?"

He Lianyi was very angry and tried to make Kang Junyan change his mind.

However, is Kang Junyan who changed his mind so easily still the cold and iron-blooded Kang Junyan?

"Either 100 million, or Mr. Helian's life."

Kang Junyan said coldly.

"Kang Junyan! Don't go too far, don't forget whose territory this is!"

He Lianyi finally couldn't help but get angry.

The moment He Lianyi broke out, more than a dozen men in black suddenly rushed into the restaurant.

The dark muzzles of the guns were pointed at the people on Kang Junyan's side.

"Mr. Helian, what do you mean?"

Yan Ping turned cold and asked He Lianyi unkindly.

"Haha, it doesn't mean anything, it's just that the conditions offered by the chief are really unreasonable.

Therefore, I just want to renegotiate the terms with the leader.

Sir, what do you think? "

He Lianyi chuckled and said pointedly.

He Lianyi's words sounded like a discussion, but the dark muzzles pointed at them clearly expressed a threat.

"Mr. Helian, you should know what the consequences would be if I didn't get out of here."

Being pointed at by more than a dozen guns, Kang Junyan still looked calm, without the slightest hint of nervousness or fear.


Kang Junyan's understatement made Helianyi flush with anger and gnash his teeth with hatred.

"My patience is limited, don't try to challenge my patience, just because you can't afford the price."

Kang Junyan's cold eyes stared straight at He Lianyi, and his tone became even colder.

It was like a needle shot into He Lianyi's heart, making his heart tremble.

"Mr. Helian, if you dare to provoke a war between the two countries, I'm afraid even the people behind you won't be able to protect you, right?"

Bai Ping, who was full, put down his chopsticks and said to He Lianyi with a smile.

Bai Ping's words made He Lianyi, who was full of unwillingness, finally fall down on the chair in despair.

He Lianyi's expression kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, 100 million. I hope the leader will keep his promise."

After saying that, He Lianyi waved his hand and asked someone to bring a laptop.

Soon after, He Lianyi turned the computer screen to Kang Junyan and the others.

"One hundred million has been posted."

He Lianyi said with a dark face, "Sir, sir, I wonder when my batch of goods will be returned to me?"

Kang Junyan's lips curved with a hint of ridicule, "Mr. Helian, I never said that the goods would be returned."

"What do you mean?!"

He Lianyi, who had just calmed down, went berserk again, thinking that Kang Junyan was playing tricks on him.

"Mr. Helian, what the chief means is that your goods are also an apology."

Yan Ping answered for Kang Junyan.

"You, you guys..."

He Lianyi gasped violently with anger, and his hands trembled violently.

Seeing He Lianyi shaking with anger, Di Yanwei couldn't help but mourn for a second of silence for him.

It's really courageous to go against Kang Junyan, a bastard who is a black man and doesn't pay for his life!

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