If it wasn't for He Lianyi, how could he have been severely punished by his father?

"Fart! He Lianyi, don't beat me around the bush. In one sentence, I'll get all my deposit back!"

Xie Tao was so angry that his face turned blue and red.

Finally, he couldn't get any more angry, so he raised his hand and slapped Xie Quan hard on the back of the head.

"It's all because of you, you brat! I've raised you for so many years, but you're always going to cause trouble for me. Wait until you get back and see if I kill you!"

Xie Tao's slap was not merciful at all.

When he did this, besides being really angry, it was more of a show for Kang Junyan.

The goods the Xie family needs are always obtained from Kang Junyan, the number one arms dealer.

Now that his son was involved and took the goods with He Lianyi, this undoubtedly angered Kang Junyan.

No one in the country knows that Kang Junyan's position as the number one arms dealer cannot be shaken.

If he decides not to give goods to someone, then absolutely no one in the country will dare to do that person's business.

Because Kang Junyan is absolutely powerful!

Of course, Kang Junyan is famous not only for his status as an arms dealer, but also for his decisive killing methods.

With Kang Junyan's power, it would be easy to deal with the Xie family.

Therefore, when he learned that there was a chance of redemption, Xie Tao immediately took action to cooperate with Kang Junyan.

Xie Quan was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

However, Xie Quan doesn't dare to lose his temper with the young master now, because his father warned him many times when he came here.

If the drama this time cannot satisfy the giant Buddha, then what awaits their Xie family will be their demise!

Although Xie Quan is not smart, he is definitely not stupid either!

So, naturally you know what to do.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry father, I was just a little obsessed at that time.

Also, I was drinking too much at the time and had no idea what I was doing.

It was him who made those people get me drunk and took the opportunity to get me to sign the contract. "

Xie Quan knelt on the ground and admitted his mistake with a look of sincere fear.

In the end, he pointed at He Lianyi and put all the responsibility on He Lianyi.

Xie Quan's performance immediately made Xie Tao feel relieved.

At the same time, he followed Xie Quan's words and said to He Lianyi, "He Lianyi, you know the truth in your heart.

As long as you return the deposit, I, the Xie family, will no longer pursue it. "

Xie Tao's move also used retreat as an advance.

Now, he no longer cares about the issue of face. Only by getting the deposit back can the Xie family have a chance to survive.

Moreover, Xie Tao also absolutely believed that He Lianyi had offended Kang Junyan and his end would definitely not be much better.

However, He Lianyi did not pay attention to Xie Tao's retreat.

"Haha, Master Xie, your joke is too big, isn't it?"

He Lianyi sneered again and again, not taking Xie Tao seriously at all, "I signed the contract with Mr. Quan in black and white, but now you want me to return the deposit?

Could it be that, Master Xie, you are getting old and don’t understand the rules anymore? "

He Lianyi's face was full of ridicule.

"He Lianyi, you just won't return it, right?!"

Xie Tao seemed to have expected that He Lianyi would not return it so easily, and his expression was gloomy.

"Master Xie, you should know that no one will spit out the fat that reaches your mouth. Master Xie, you should understand this truth."

He Lianyi said angrily.

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