However, he has already decided in his heart that he will cherish his life and stay away from his sister-in-law from now on.

The three cars drove out of Helianyi's manor without anyone stopping them.

After the car drove out of the manor, Di Yanwei suddenly realized, "Everything is done, aren't we going back to country A?"

If you are going back to country A, you should take a plane.

"Now that you're here, I'll walk with you."

Kang Junyan didn't talk in circles, but said it directly.

Because, he remembered Bai Ping said, if you want to let the people you like know how good you are, just say it.

Otherwise, the person you like will not know.

Before last night, Kang Junyan didn't take Baiping's rules for chasing girls seriously.

However, after last night, after learning about Di Yanwei's slowness, Kang Junyan decided to try to use Bai Ping's rules for chasing girls.

Di Yanwei deeply felt how good he was to her.

And in the end, the previous scoundrel is a point in the law of chasing women.

If Baiping knew what Kang Junyan was thinking, he would not only despise Kang Junyan, but he would also be extremely excited.

Because, the rules he carefully created to chase women have finally taken effect, so when he chases the person he likes in the future, it will be easy!

Hahaha! Find someone to be a guinea pig in advance, he is so smart, is there any chance!

After hearing Kang Junyan's straightforward words, Di Yanwei was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the always cold Kang Junyan would say such 'warm' words.


Di Yan slightly nodded unnaturally and looked out the window, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Kang Junyan naturally noticed Di Yanwei's strangeness, but he didn't say anything.

Because, no matter what, he will never let go.

Moreover, he was confident that he would make Di Yanwei fall in love with him.

Half an hour later, the car entered the underground parking lot of a large shopping mall.

"This mall is just like the one in country A. It has various types."

After getting off the car, Kang Junyan said to Di Yanwei.

At the same time, his words also meant to ask Di Yanwei which level he should go to.

On the way here, Di Yanwei already knew that this shopping mall was also Kang Junyan's property.

No, it has become her property now.

"Let's go to the clothing area first. I want to buy some clothes."

Di Yanwei was not shy and decided directly.

Kang Junyan naturally had no objection to Di Yanwei's decision.

Yan Ping and others who were following behind couldn't help but feel that their leader had really changed a lot for his wife.

In the past, they would never have imagined that their cold-hearted and iron-blooded leader would actually accompany a woman shopping!

What an incredible thing for them!

However, this shows how much the chief cares about his wife.

Several people entered the elevator, and when the elevator door was about to close, a woman rushed over.

"Wait, please wait."

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, the woman shouted quickly.

However, the few men in the elevator did not have any gentlemanly intentions at all, and they all ignored the woman's shouting.

Di Yanwei subconsciously wanted to stop the elevator from closing, but when he thought of Kang Junyan's identity, he stopped.

With Kang Junyan's identity, there should be quite a lot of assassinations.

She's not afraid of ten thousand, she's just afraid of the unexpected, so it's better for her not to do anything more.

However, at the last moment, the woman arrived and quickly entered the elevator.


The woman, whether she really thought they had waited for her or pretended not to know, actually thanked them.

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