Only then did Bai Ping realize that he had been tricked by his sister-in-law.

However, even though he knew he was being tricked, he still could only swallow his anger and suffer silently.

Because, behind my sister-in-law, there is a boss with terrifying fighting ability!

He can't beat him, throw him down!

Seeing Di Yan smiling like a little fox, the air-conditioning on Kang Junyan's body suddenly subsided.

Even his stern face softened a bit.

Strongly feeling Kang Junyan's differential treatment, Bai Ping's expression became even more bitter.

The eldest brother changed. After he had a sister-in-law, he abandoned these brothers who had been through life and death, especially him, who was a close friend of life and death.

The more Bai Ping thought about it, the angrier he became.

Then, he looked at Yan Ping with a resentful look, and the meaning of begging for a tiger's touch was not too obvious.

Yan Ping, who had facial paralysis, still maintained his facial paralysis and completely ignored someone who was begging for a tiger touch.

"Just this one, this one seems pretty good."

After walking through one clothing store after another, Di Yanwei stopped when he finally reached the fourth one.

Entering the store, Di Yanwei walked directly to a dark blue casual suit.

"How about this one?"

Di Yan pointed at the suit slightly, looked up at Kang Junyan and asked.

Kang Junyan nodded without hesitation without even looking at the suit.

For him, as long as she chooses it, he will like it.

The salesperson who followed him raised a standard professional smile and said:

"This lady has such good taste. This suit is made by a famous designer.

In the entire country F, there are only three.

It will definitely fit perfectly on this gentleman. "

The salesperson must have told many scenes.

Therefore, when he saw Kang Junyan's unusually handsome face, although he was stunned for a moment, he quickly came back to his senses.

After listening to the salesman's words, Di Yanwei just smiled, picked up the dress and handed it to Kang Junyan.

"Try it first. If you don't like it, change it to something else."

Although this casual suit doesn't quite fit Kang Junyan's style.

However, when he saw this suit for the first time, Di Yanwei felt that it suited Kang Junyan very well.


Kang Junyan took the clothes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and walked to the dressing room with elegant steps.

Seeing Kang Junyan walk into the locker room, Di Yanwei suddenly had the feeling that the two were husband and wife.

And she is just like a wife who carefully chooses clothes for her husband.

In just a moment, Di Yanwei quickly shook his head to get rid of the weird feeling.

How could she and Kang Junyan be husband and wife?

Sure enough, it was his own brain that suddenly had a seizure?

After a while, Kang Junyan came out of the locker room.

Di Yan raised her eyes slightly. At first glance, surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she felt satisfied.

Wearing a dark blue casual suit on Kang Junyan, he looked a little less severe and a little more gentle.

It made him look as if he was much younger.

Moreover, it made Di Yanwei feel that Kang Junyan seemed a little cute.

Although Kang Junyan has never worn casual suits, he doesn't feel uncomfortable wearing them now.

Especially when he saw the satisfaction and a little fascination in Di Yanwei's eyes, the joy in his heart suddenly became a little more joyful.

"Well, not bad, that's it."

Di Yanwei nodded with satisfaction and directly helped Kang Junyan decide.

Di Yanwei stared at Kang Junyan with burning eyes. In the end, he couldn't help but do what he had always wanted to do.

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