After the male lead played by Yu Yao appeared, Lin Qian Yi just stood aside and remained motionless. The only thing that changed was her pair of bright eyes.

This emotion is interpreted with a pair of eyes, which is undoubtedly the most difficult for actors.

However, for Lin Qian Yi, it was easy to do.

The emotions in Lin Qian Yi's eyes constantly changed with the hero's fight, and every change was performed perfectly.

Even the staff on one side and the other actors, without exception, were all shocked by the interpretation of Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

They think that they have entered the entertainment circle not long ago, so they are naturally aware of the difficulty in expressing their eyes.

However, it is precisely because of knowing that it is even more shocking!

Because, from the beginning of the official shooting, Lin Qian Yi had never been NG. At this time, she seemed to have completely become a 'Feng Tian'!

The emotion in Lin Qian Yi's eyes changed naturally, and even seeing the director Wan Xuanmin couldn't help sighing: Lin Qian Yi is undoubtedly the darling of the entertainment industry.

Lin Qian Yi is only twenty-two years old. She has just graduated from school, but she has such superb acting skills. She was born for acting!

It can be said that Lin Qian Yi's acting skills are comparable to, or even better than, those actors who have won Best Actor and Queen Actor!


It wasn't until Lin Qian Yi finished performing, and after a while, Wan Xuanmin recovered from Lin Qian Yi's superb acting skills, and hurriedly called out.

"Okay, Miss Lin, I am optimistic about you. Your future achievements are immeasurable, immeasurable!"

Wan Xuanmin looked at Lin Qian Yi with bright eyes, and said excitedly.

Regarding Wan Xuanmin's excitement, Lin Qian Yi seemed relatively calm, because she also had a certain degree of confidence in her acting skills.

"Thank you director."

Lin Qian Yi smiled politely at Wan Xuanmin.

As for the others, they were originally attracted by Lin Qian Yi's acting skills, but they didn't realize it until Wan Xuanmin yelled 'card'.

"Papa papa~~"

Lin Qian Yi's wonderful acting skills made everyone applaud.

Hearing everyone's applause, Lin Qian Yi smiled and nodded to everyone.

"Yiyi, I didn't expect you to hide your secrets, and your acting skills are so good, I'm willing to bow down to you."

Qi Ling stepped forward and said sincerely with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi shook her head, smiled at her and did not speak.

No matter how good the acting skills are, they are all obtained through human efforts.

Qi Ling likes her sister-in-law more and more for her lack of arrogance or rashness.

At this moment, Qi Ling felt convinced that he had lost.

How can the person that Brother Mo likes be so simple? From what I can see now, what my sister-in-law has shown is much better than her.

Thinking of this, Qi Ling couldn't help but a bitterness flashed in his eyes, but soon, it was replaced by sincere blessings.

The only person in the world who can make Big Brother Mo flesh and blood is my sister-in-law...

Recalling Di Yanmo's changes, Qi Ling's eyes became foggy, although she had already decided to let go.

But, after all, I have been in love for more than ten years, so how can it be so easy to let go?

Although her heart hurts, Qi Ling knows that she must let go, and only when she lets go can her life start again.

Sensing the emotional changes in Qi Ling beside her, a look of complexity flashed across Lin Qian Yi's eyes, and finally she could only sigh helplessly.

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