Yan Ping, who has always had low emotional intelligence and did not notice anything strange, was immediately given a cold look by Kang Junyan.

Yan Ping was inexplicably given a cold look by his own leader, and Yan Ping felt confused.

He has obviously arranged all the things ordered by the chief. Why does the chief seem to be dissatisfied with him?

Yan Ping thought a little depressed in his heart, but on the surface, he still had that paralyzed face.

Bai Ping, who was standing not far away watching the show, could not help but mourn for a second of silence for Yan Ping, who had low emotional intelligence.

The boss finally managed to catch up with his sister-in-law. It was at a tender moment that Yan Ping, an idiot, went over to interrupt without fear of death.

Gee, I have to say, it’s really courageous!


Kang Junyan nodded without trace, then touched Di Yanwei's head with his big hand and said dotingly, "Let's go home."

The four words "Let's go home" sounded particularly pleasant and warm to Di Yanwei's ears.

Although Kang Junyan has told her many times.

However, now that he has expressed his feelings, it is very different.

Or maybe my mood is different.


Di Yan responded slightly and had no objection.

Although this short trip to country F was extremely dangerous, Di Yanwei was grateful.

Gratitude allowed her to see her heart clearly and not miss Kang Junyan, a man who was domineering and strong, but was willing to protect her with his own life.

Kang Junyan walked a few steps with Di Yan in his arms, but suddenly stopped and glanced at Yan Ping with cold eyes.

"Go to Zhuxiang Pavilion to pack some snacks."

Kang Junyan spoke calmly, paused for a moment and then said, "We just experienced a gun battle. You should relax and go up the stairs."

After saying that, without waiting for Yan Ping to react, he hugged the person in his arms and walked to the elevator not far away with elegant steps.

Although Yan Ping was a little confused, but following his absolute belief in Kang Junyan, he responded without hesitation, "Yes, chief."

Bai Ping, who was watching the show not far away, said, "..."

Looking at Yan Ping's uncomplaining look, Bai Ping couldn't help but cover his face silently. Having such a stupid brother is really...

Thousands of words of emotion finally turned into a sigh.

After returning to country A, Emperor Yanwei was ordered by Kang Junyan to have a good rest and not to run around.

Because the result of her strenuous efforts to strangle Chou Xuelan was that the gunshot wound on her back shoulder cracked again.

Under Kang Junyan's dangerous gaze, Di Yanwei nodded obediently and gave up.

"So boring, so boring, so boring..."

Lying on the soft lounge chair in the garden, looking at the blue sky, Di Yanwei couldn't help but murmur sadly.

After returning from country F, Kang Junyan has been busy, either in the study or out.

If he is busy in the study, she can also rush to the study to play.

However, now Kang Junyan went out again, and he refused to let her follow him, saying he was recovering from his injuries.

Although Di Yanwei was bored, he had no resentment towards Kang Junyan.

Because she knew that Kang Junyan was not only busy with the affairs of country A, but also busy with the affairs of country F.

With Kang Junyan's style, he would definitely not easily let go of those who dare to challenge his majesty.

During this period, Di Yanwei was moved by Kang Junyan again, because no matter what the secret was, he had no intention of satisfying her at all.

He truly did it, and everything about him was her responsibility.

Just when Di Yanwei was lost in his thoughts, the cell phone placed on the small round table rang.

Di Yanwei lazily picked up his phone and frowned when he saw an unfamiliar number.

She usually won't answer a number she doesn't recognize.

After the phone rang persistently for the second time, Di Yanwei answered it.

A minute later, Di Yanwei hung up the phone, his smart eyes narrowed slightly, flashing with a few dark lights.

"Madam, the chief has ordered you to have a good rest at home."

Seeing that Di Yanwei was about to go out, the housekeeper immediately stepped forward and spoke nervously and respectfully.

Looking at the dedicated housekeeper who was about fifty years old in front of him, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Don't worry, Aunt Liu, I'm just going out for a while and I'll be back soon."

Di Yan smiled brightly, then without waiting for the housekeeper Liu's reaction, he immediately bypassed her and walked quickly towards the door.

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