My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1324. Will Kang Junyan believe it? believe her

Just because the chief adopted all his net worth to his wife, and his wife has countless net worth, would she covet Wang Lirong’s money?

That's a joke!

After listening to Yan Ping's words, Kang Junyan paused in his eating movements, and a hint of coldness flashed through his eyes as dark as an eagle.

After hearing about himself, Di Yanwei listened to Yan Ping's words while eating breakfast.


Di Yanwei seemed to not believe what he heard, with a look of astonishment on his face.

What the hell, when did she accept a sum of money from Wang Lirong? She obviously paid a dollar for it!

Moreover, when were they photographed by reporters?

You know, reporters are not allowed to enter that high-end Western restaurant.

Therefore, even if it was secretly photographed outside the restaurant, it is impossible to know what was said between them.

Thinking of this, Di Yanwei almost subconsciously looked at Kang Junyan beside him.

There was a trace of nervousness hidden in his smart eyes.

Will Kang Junyan believe it? Trust her.

Sensing her gaze, Kang Junyan slowly looked at her, his eyes as dark as an eagle still cold, but with a bit of gentleness.

Only when looking at Di Yanwei, that softness will automatically emerge.

Di Yanwei was good at observation, so he naturally noticed the changes in his eyes.

When he saw the still gentleness in his eyes, Di Yan's slightly lifted heart suddenly dropped by half.

"I trust you."

Kang Junyan raised his big hand and gently touched her black hair, with a hint of endearment in his tone.

I believe that these four words, you, are like a brand, deeply entering into Di Yanwei's heart, as if they have been engraved forever.

In an instant, a layer of mist appeared in Di Yanwei's eyes, and then he looked away unnaturally.

Except for her two younger brothers, no one had ever believed in her so firmly without hesitation.

He had to admit that Di Yanwei was once again moved by the domineering and powerful Kang Junyan.

"Be good, eat it, it won't taste good if it's cold."

As if he didn't notice anything strange about her, Kang Junyan gave her her favorite breakfast and said softly.

Di Yan took a few deep breaths to calm down the fluctuations in his heart, and also gave him his favorite snacks.

"You should eat too, don't just talk about things."

Looking at the snacks in the bowl, Kang Junyan's eyes softened a bit again.

Seeing the show of affection between his head and his wife, Yan Ping silently averted his eyes and kept hinting in his heart that being single also has its advantages, so there is no need to envy him.

After a while, Yan Ping asked, "Chief, do those reports need to be dealt with?"

Swallowing the food in his mouth gracefully, Kang Junyan's eyes were dim and he did not speak, but looked at the people around him.

"What do you think?"

Kang Junyan asked Di Yanwei.

When asked, Di Yan blinked slightly before realizing that Kang Junyan wanted her to make her own decision.

A flash of surprise quickly flashed across Di Yanwei's eyes.

Because, with Kang Junyan's domineering and strong style, she would definitely help her settle the matter without asking her.

However, this time it was beyond her expectation.

At this moment, Di Yanwei knew Kang Junyan a little better.

At the same time, my liking for Kang Junyan seemed to grow a little more unconsciously.

After thinking for a while, Di Yan shook his head slightly, "Don't worry, there will definitely be many people coming to my birthday party tomorrow, including some reporters.

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