My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1327 Who says cold people are not careful? Doesn't it hurt?

Who would have thought that the cold-hearted and iron-blooded leader would be so gentle and willing to help a woman take off her shoes?

Yan Ping, who had witnessed the entire process, was extremely shocked.

After the shock, Yan Ping quickly calmed down again and looked at Di Yanwei with a slightly strange look.

It seems that the chief loves his wife more than he imagined, and he only hopes that his wife will not let down the chief.

Otherwise, he could not imagine how terrible the already cold-hearted leader would become after losing his wife.

Soon, Kang Junyan left and returned.

After returning, Kang Junyan held something in each hand, and a pair of white casual shoes in his left hand.

In her right hand she holds a soft white shawl.

Kang Junyan walked over, first put down his shoes, and carefully put a shawl on Di Yanwei, covering her exposed white and tender skin.

Kang Junyan would never admit it. He was jealous. The beauty of his little wild cat could only be shown to him. Others? Don't even think about it!

Di Yanwei, who didn't know Kang Junyan's little thoughts, couldn't help but smile warmly when he saw his considerate behavior.

Who says cold people are not attentive? Doesn't it hurt?

It's just a matter of dividing people.

It has to be said that Di Yanwei was moved by Kang Junyan's small gesture again.

I have to say, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

However, it was this beautiful misunderstanding that made the two go further.

Seeing Kang Junyan helping her to put on her shoes, Di Yanwei couldn't help but touch his stern face with her hand.

Feeling the beautiful touch on his face, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel jealous. A grown man's skin was actually better than hers!

When Di Yan's tiny hand touched Kang Junyan's face, Kang Junyan paused slightly. He didn't like other people's touch.

However, he only liked her touch. Her touch did not make him feel unhappy, but he liked it very much.

Everywhere she touched made him feel very comfortable, and he wished he could hold her all the time, never wanting to separate for a moment.

"Okay, let's go, the time is almost up."

After helping Di Yanwei put on his shoes, Kang Junyan stood up and said.


After recovering from the warmth, Di Yan nodded slightly and wanted to stand up.

However, as soon as Di Yanwei stood up, he was picked up by Kang Junyan again and strode away.

"Well, I've changed my shoes and it's okay. I can just walk by myself."

Being carried away by Kang Junyan like this, Di Yanwei suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she received Kang Junyan's threatening gaze.

Di Yanwei swallowed carefully and did not dare to object any more.

However, the feeling of a human body moving machine is also very good.

"Oh wait, I haven't picked up my bag yet."

When she was about to go down the stairs, Di Yanwei suddenly remembered that her bag was still in the room.

Before Kang Junyan could say anything, Yan Ping, who was following behind, said very wisely, "I'll go help Madam get her bag."

Seeing the sound of Yan Ping walking away quickly, Di Yanwei couldn't help but patted Kang Junyan on the shoulder and said:

"Kang Junyan, you are really good to have such a loyal and hard-working subordinate like Yan Ping."

Di Yanwei's words were just a general impression.

However, to Kang Junyan's ears, it was different.

"you like him?"

Kang Junyan looked down at her, his brows furrowed slightly, and his tone was cold.

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