Regarding Feng Mei's question, Di Yanwei thought it was extremely ridiculous. Even if she really sneaked in, it would be none of her business, right?

You are so self-righteous that you will die quickly!

"I can't identify you?"

Di Yan sneered slightly and asked sharply, "Then I would like to ask, do you recognize your identity?

It's just that the mistress has risen to the top. Do you really think that just by flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix, you have become a member of the upper class?

Oh, how ridiculous! "

"You, you bitch, I..."

Being poked in a painful spot by Di Yanwei, Feng Mei was immediately filled with rage and wanted to go forward and grab the flowers. Di Yanwei's face made her teeth itch with hatred.


Before Feng Mei could finish speaking, Di Yan yelled slightly, staring at her coldly with his smart eyes, "Why did I come in? What does it have to do with you?

I remember this is the Di family’s place, right? When will it be your turn to take charge of the little palace family?

Could it be that you want to take over the Di family and replace it? "

Having said this, Di Yan paused for a moment, then said with a look of admiration, "Tsk, tsk, I have to say, your ambitions are really big enough."

Di Yanwei's words undoubtedly pushed the Gong family to the forefront.

Take the imperial family and replace it? Just because the Gong family has just squeezed onto the fringes of upper class society? What a joke!

If the people in the villa knew about it, they would definitely think that the people in the Gong family were crazy. Otherwise, how could they have such horrifying thoughts.

Sure enough, those people from the Gong family who originally looked aloof and chin-down turned pale in an instant after hearing Di Yanwei's words.

"Di Yanwei! What nonsense are you talking about? Our Gong family has never thought that way. It's all you who slandered us!"

Realizing that he had been slapped with a big label, Gong Yadi immediately fought back severely, fearing that if he was a step too late, he would get into trouble.

"Miss Di, although your surname is Di, your fate is not good, you are just surnamed Di.

You should know what it means to have trouble come from your mouth. Our Gong family doesn't care about it, but that doesn't mean that the people in the Di family don't care about it.

You know, to be arrogant and conceited, you also need to have the capital to be arrogant and conceited. "

Compared to the panic of mother and daughter Feng Mei and Gong Yadi, Mr. Gong, who was used to big scenes, seemed much calmer.

At the same time, without making a sound, he pushed back the big hat that Di Yan slightly pressed on the Gong family's head without leaving a trace.

He also pointed out that although Di Yanwei's surname was Di, he had nothing to do with the Di family, which stood at the top of the pyramid in City A.

Di Yanwei did not panic at all about this, as if he had expected it.

"Yes, the capital of arrogance and pride is really not something that everyone can have."

Di Yanwei nodded as if he agreed with Mr. Gong's words.

"Just like you, you can only show your arrogance and pride in front of me, a 'poor girl'.

If you get here, do you dare?

I guess when you enter, you will not be arrogant and arrogant.

Instead, you will pretend to be a grandson and please those rich, businessmen and powerful people who are much nobler than your Gong family, right? "

As he said that, Di Yan pointed slightly at the inside of the villa and glanced around at the people of the Gong family with mocking eyes.

Di Yanwei was extremely disdainful of the palace family's pride and complacency, their bullying of the weak and their fear of the strong.

If people like the Gong family hadn't made trouble for her again and again, she wouldn't have fought back.

"Xiaowei, there's no need to speak so harshly. No matter what you say, Grandpa Gong is still your elder."

Xu Yixi, who had been silent from the beginning, finally spoke.

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