My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1333 The Third Miss of the Imperial Family

After saying that, Mr. Gong knocked the ground hard with the crutch in his hand, snorted angrily, and walked towards the villa first.

After being warned by Mr. Gong, Feng Mei suddenly became more honest and docile than a rabbit.


Seeing that Gong Wenqing didn't look good, Feng Mei called him cautiously.

Gong Wenqing glared at Feng Mei and vented his anger on her, "Look what you look like?!

How many times have I told you to learn the etiquette image of the upper class.

Have you been living a free life all these years? !

You can't learn this little thing, you loser! "

After venting his anger, Gong Wenqing ignored the aggrieved Feng Mei and walked away.

Looking at the backs of the Gong family father and son, Feng Mei gritted her teeth, her face full of unwillingness.

“Mom, this is the Di Family, if we make even the slightest mistake, it could be ruined.

That's why grandpa and father are so angry. Don't be angry. Just talk to grandpa and father properly when you go back. "

Gong Yadi held Feng Mei's hand, shook her head and persuaded her in a low voice.

After Gong Yadi's persuasion, Feng Mei came back to her senses. No matter how angry and unwilling she was, she could only suppress it.

Looking at the backs of the four Gong family members in front of them, Xu Yixi, who was standing there, frowned tightly, his eyes dark and unclear, as if he was thinking about something.

After Di Yanwei entered the villa, he was directly avoided by the maid who was attending the birthday party and walked to the second floor.

"Miss Third, the master and his wife are already waiting for you inside."

The maid took Di Yanwei to a door on the second floor and said to Di Yanwei respectfully.


Di Yan nodded slightly to her, then opened the door and walked in.

After entering, Di Yanwei saw his parents, whom he had not seen for a month.

However, Di Yanwei was not particularly happy, or in other words, she was a little happy, but there was a hint of complexity hidden deep in her eyes.

"Mom and Dad."

Di Yanwei walked over and shouted to a middle-aged couple sitting on the sofa, talking and laughing.

"Oh, my precious daughter, Mom has not seen you for almost more than a month.

Come on, let mom give you a hug. "

Seeing her daughter, Sun Qian immediately smiled lovingly, opened her hands very enthusiastically, and walked towards her daughter.

Di Yanwei seemed to like his mother's enthusiasm. He smiled helplessly and hugged her.

"Baby girl, you seem to have lost weight. Have you not eaten well and taken good care of yourself recently?"

After hugging her, Sun Qian looked at her daughter up and down, her face full of concern and distress.

Seeing her concern, Di Yan smiled brightly and said easily:

"Mom, you really want to say this every time, right? But in fact, I have never lost weight."

Hearing this, Sun Qian had a look of disapproval. She was about to say something, but Di Beiting beat her to it.

"Okay, the time has come, we should go downstairs."

Seeing that his wife was about to perform a painful drama again, Di Beiting quickly spoke first.

Di Yanwei exchanged a look with his father and immediately agreed, "Yes, I want to finish it early and get some beauty sleep early."

Hearing this, Sun Qian said nothing more, but glared at her husband.

Apparently he had read his mind.

Di Beiting, a familiar person, silently looked away, pretending not to notice her glare.

"Okay, let's go and let those people get to know our precious daughter."

Sun Qian took Di Yanwei's hand and walked out the door. Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something and said:

"By the way, Xiao Mo suddenly said that he had something to do and would come down later."

Hearing this, Di Yanwei was not surprised. After all, Kang Junyan had just said that Xiao Mo was looking for him.

The guests downstairs were very curious about Di Yanwei, the third lady who had never appeared in public.

Of course, they were more concerned about how to establish a relationship with Di Beiting and his wife.

As long as you get along with the Di family, even if there is only a little benefit, you will get to the next level.

Therefore, everyone present was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity.

Of course, there are also people who want to pay attention to Miss Di Yanwei. As for what kind of attention they want, only they know in their hearts.

PS: Yiyi's new book "The Absolutely Pampered Wife: Arrogant Master Fu, Addicted to Pampering!" 》Has been posted, dear friends are welcome to join, I hope you can continue to support Yiyi, group hugs dear friends O(∩_∩)O haha~

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