Xu's group has become in danger due to the death of his father. If no further capital injection is received, the Xu family will definitely go bankrupt.

Therefore, he resolutely chose Gong Yadi.

Xu Yixi had never regretted it before tonight, but at this moment he regretted it.

Moreover, I also feel that what I have been doing is so ridiculous and ignorant.

Obviously the best is right in front of him, but he abandoned it and chose someone he never liked.

Although at first, Xu Yixi was quite satisfied with Gong Yadi. After all, men like gentle, graceful, delicate and lovely women.

However, the more he got along with Gong Yadi, the more he discovered that Gong Yadi was not what she seemed at all.

At this moment, regret continued to fill Xu Yixi's mind, and his hands were tightly held.

He resisted the urge to rush forward and hug Di Yan Weihen into his arms.

The urge faded away, leaving only a trace of bitterness on the corner of Xu Yixi's mouth.

Perhaps, this is God's will to trick people.

It is the result of his selfishness and greed, and he cannot blame anyone.

Gong Yadi on the side looked at Xu Yixi next to her subconsciously after being frightened.

Seeing him staring at Di Yanwei for a moment, Gong Yadi's eyes suddenly showed a sinister look.

Turning his head to stare at Di Yanwei, Gong Yadi had a look of madness in his eyes.

Even if Di Yanwei is the third young lady of the Di family, so what, Xu Yixi is hers and no one can take it away from her!

"Yixi, don't forget whose fiancé you are now!"

Gong Yadi suddenly grabbed Xu Yixi's hand, her eyes a little scarlet, staring into his eyes.

As if she wanted to see what he was thinking.

Meeting Gong Yadi's gaze, Xu Yixi pursed his lips, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"Xu Yixi, I'm warning you, if you dare to do anything sorry for me, I will never let it go easily!"

Seeing that Xu Yixi didn't speak, Gong Yadi's eyes became even more crazy, and she grabbed his hand harder.

Xu Yixi frowned and looked at Gong Yadi with complicated eyes, but finally spoke.

"You think too much."

Xu Yixi said very calmly.

Xu Yixi's calmness made Gong Yadi feel even more uneasy. His chest rose and fell violently, suppressing the overwhelming jealousy in his heart.

In addition to the people on the Gong family who were not at peace inside, there was another person who was also quite unpeaceful inside.

That is Kang Shenghui, Kang Junyan's biological father.

At this banquet tonight, he is the only one from the Kang family who is here.

The Kang family has always been very ambitious, wanting to overthrow the Di family and take a high position.

However, there are too many differences between the two families. For more than ten years, the Kang family could only watch the Di family continue to grow.

The distance from the Kang family is getting farther and farther, so the Kang family can only look up.

After more than ten years, the Kang family was about to give up. However, at this moment, Kang Junyan appeared.

Kang Junyan became the youngest chief in the history of Country A, giving the Kang family hope of overthrowing the imperial family.

Therefore, Mr. Kang has always wanted to control Kang Junyan and make Kang Junyan obey his orders.

However, Mr. Kang always underestimated Kang Junyan, so that after so many years, his plan still has not been launched.

The Kang family secretly regards the Di family as a thorn in their side, but they won't show it on the surface, so they still have to do the superficial work.

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