Hearing the familiar voice, Xu Yixi frowned, with obvious displeasure in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Yixi said to Gong Yadi, who was approaching with a ferocious look and angrily.

Gong Yadi, who was already very angry, suddenly became even more angry because of Xu Yixi's words.

"You can come, why can't I come? Why, are you afraid that I will disturb your good things?"

Gong Yadi's face was gloomy, and he directly exposed his true face regardless of covering up.

Seeing her look completely different from usual, Xu Yixi had a hint of boredom in his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Xiaowei and I are aboveboard, do you need to say that?"

Xu Yixi's tone was obviously displeased.

Of course, the reason why he put in good words for Di Yanwei was not because of Di Yanwei's identity.

But he has decided to let go, let go of the so-called money and status, and no longer exchange himself for the wealth.

As for his relationship with Di Yanwei, although he couldn't be friends, he still wanted to protect her like an older brother.

People can really grow up overnight or in an instant. He never believed it before, but now, he believes it.

Because he himself is a good example.

"What did I say? Did I say something wrong?!"

Xu Yixi's attitude made Gong Yadi completely give up covering up and reveal his original temperament.

Her face was gloomy and ferocious, like a scolding shrew.

"You have to know that I am your fiancée! You are talking about me for this shameless woman?

Xu Yixi! Don’t forget, you were the one who pursued me first, you were the one who proposed to me, and you were the one who said you would love me forever!

What are you thinking about now? Are you going to rekindle an old relationship with this woman and then dump me? ! "

Gong Yadi, whose mind was completely filled with resentment, completely forgot what the occasion was.

He just kept releasing the anger in his heart.

Therefore, her voice became louder and louder, and in the end, she actually yelled.

The guests not far from them also noticed the bad anger between them, but due to Di Yanwei's identity, they did not dare to step forward rashly.

Although they didn't dare to come forward, it didn't stop them from watching the show.

Being yelled at by Gong Yadi in public, Xu Yixi couldn't help but look ugly, and there was a look of impatience in his eyes.

"Yadi, do you know what you are talking about?! Xiaowei and I have never had anything, how can the old relationship rekindle?!"

Xu Yixi said sternly with a straight face.

Sensing the gazes of those around him, Xu Yixi's expression changed. Finally, he took a few deep breaths to suppress the irritability in his heart.

"Let's go, stop acting like a young lady."

With that said, Xu Yixi reached out to pull her away, but Gong Yadi threw her away mercilessly.


Xu Yixi was a little embarrassed after being slapped in the face by Gong Yadi again and again, but in order to prevent things from getting worse, he could only endure it.

Looking at Xu Yixi's cold face, Gong Yadi's scarlet eyes showed a ferocious look.

"Haha, it's nothing? Do you think I'm blind?"

Gong Yadi sneered, almost gritting his teeth.

"Every time you look at her, your eyes are filled with affection. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that you and this woman were a couple!

You have obviously chosen me, why are you still entangled with this daughter? "

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