My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 134 Even if she likes women, she never likes sister-in-law

accidentally? Sister-in-law's kick just now may have fooled others, but! That would definitely not fool her.

After all, she is a practicing family son, although she can't beat her sister-in-law, her force value is still good.

Therefore, she could tell whether it was an intentional or unintentional kick.

In addition, with the temperament of my sister-in-law, little fox, how could it be 'accidental'?

Although Qi Ling knew that Lin Qian Yi was lying with her eyes open, but... would she dare to tell the truth? dare?

If she said so, would my sister-in-law sue Brother Mo? Then throw her back to Camp Mountain? And then didn't it also peel off? !

Thinking of such consequences, Qi Ling suddenly became terrified, and looked at his own sister-in-law with some fear.

"Ahem, that's right, sister-in-law, you were careless just now, definitely not on purpose."

Qi Ling abandoned his dignity, and echoed Lin Qian Yi dog-leggedly.

Looking at Qi Ling's stiffly smiling face, Lin Qian Yi was amused.

Qi Ling and Di Yanfeng are so afraid of her, probably because of their relationship with the fourth master, right?

However, is kissing fourth master really that scary? Why does she think her fourth master is so cute? And it's very mild.

I really don't understand why they are afraid of her family's fourth master.

If Qi Ling and Di Yanfeng knew what was going on in Lin Qian Yi's mind, they would definitely be suffocated to vomit blood.

The ruthless and invisible emperor Di Yanmo, who kills people invisible, is cute? mild? !

That has to be for whom? !

"Well, a fool can be taught."

Lin Qian Yi was very satisfied with Qi Ling's knowledge.


At the end of Qi Ling, sister-in-law or something, she is really too black-bellied, she is just like Brother Mo, killing people invisible!

At this moment, Qi Ling secretly made up his mind that he can provoke anyone in the future, but only his own sister-in-law cannot be provoked.

Thought, my sister-in-law is simply as terrifying as the King of Hades, okay?

She didn't want to eat a dog gnawed mud, and then gnawed horse manure! ! !

Thinking of Yu Yao's embarrassment just now, Qi Ling suddenly became excited, and rubbed his arm vigorously to wipe off the sudden goosebumps!

An hour later, the foul smell was finally cleaned up.

And Wan Xuanmin's voice sounded in everyone's ears again.

Due to Yu Yao's absence due to special circumstances, Lin Qian Yi and Yu Yao's scene was placed in the back row.

Now it's time to start filming the second act, which is Lin Qian Yi and Qi Ling.

Qi Ling, who had seen Lin Qian Yi's acting skills, was full of excitement in his eyes, obviously very interested in the scene with Lin Qian Yi.

"Sister-in-law, please give me some advice."

Qi Ling stood opposite Lin Qian Yi, Qi Ling lowered his voice and said excitedly.

Compared to Qi Ling's excitement, Lin Qian Yi seemed much more insipid.

Looking at Qi Ling who was a little over excited, Lin Qian Yi felt as if she had been slapped faintly with a slap. She wasn't delicious, so why did she look at her with glowing eyes?

People who don't know think that Qi Ling wants to have sex with her!

If Qi Ling knew what was going on in Lin Qian Yi's mind at this moment, he would definitely roll his eyes and faint.

Is she just wanting to get close to her sister-in-law's acting skills? Is it necessary to say that she is gay?

Although, she decided to quit and let Brother Mo go, but! That doesn't mean that she has become a woman lover! !

and! Even if you like women, you will never like sister-in-law!

because! She doesn't want to be dispatched to the North Pole by Brother Mo! !

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