The two high heels in her hands had already flown to nowhere.


Seeing Gong Yadi in pain, Xu Yixi stepped forward to check, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Although he was determined to break off his engagement with Gong Yadi, no matter what, they were still lovers.

Seeing her hurt, there was no way he could just walk away.

Seeing Gong Yadi's half-dead appearance, everyone couldn't help but swallow cautiously and looked at Di Yanwei in horror.

Tough, so tough!

He looks so weak on the surface, but when he kicks someone, it's really... frightening and makes people shy away!

The young men who had begun to secretly pay Di Yanwei's attention immediately calmed down after seeing her toughness.

Damn it, if someone makes her unhappy and kicks her, wouldn't that make her die?

Moreover, it is okay to kick in the stomach, but if one is not careful and the kick is a little short, wouldn't it be necessary to cut off the descendants? !

Thinking of this, the men who had made up their minds immediately shuddered, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Looking at Di Yanwei, his eyes changed instantly.

Di Yanwei, who made everyone's hearts stir up waves, sat on the sofa again, picked up the wine glass, and took an elegant sip.

Smart eyes, calm and calm.

Of course, she couldn't see anything on the surface, but she was secretly glad that she always had the habit of wearing safety pants when wearing skirts.

Otherwise, she could only block it with her hands just now.

There was such a big movement this time that everyone in the room was shocked.

Those who were far away also quickened their pace and walked towards the place where the screams came from.

Di Beiting and Sun Qian, on the other hand, completely suppressed their smiles and looked stern.

Today is their precious daughter’s birthday party. Anyone who dares to cause trouble here is not considered a member of their imperial family!

Seeing Di Beiting and his wife approaching, those around them made way for them to pass without hindrance.

When Di Beiting and his wife arrived at the scene of the incident, they couldn't help but look surprised. They obviously didn't expect that their daughter would be the one causing the trouble.

However, the two of them were not angry, let alone blamed. Instead, they ignored Gong Yadi, who was lying on the ground, half-dead.

He quickly walked towards Di Yanwei and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with Xiaowei? What happened? Are you injured?"

With that said, Sun Qian put her hands on Di Yanwei, wanting to check if she was injured.

Di Yanwei quickly stopped him and said calmly, "It's okay, I'm not injured, she was the one who was injured."

As he spoke, Di Yan pointed slightly at Gong Yadi, who was still lying on the ground with a face full of pain.

Di Beiting and his wife sat on both sides of Di Yanwei. They looked in the direction she pointed and saw Gong Yadi lying on the ground.

In an instant, both of them frowned, with obvious displeasure in their eyes.

For this couple who are obsessed with their children, no matter whether their daughter is right or wrong, they will think that their daughter is right.

Therefore, the only fault would be Gong Yadi who is lying on the ground now!

"Who can tell me what happened? Why is this young lady lying on the ground?"

Di Beiting exuded the aura of a high-ranking person, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone, as if he wanted to find the accomplice.

Of course, he said this not to help Gong Yadi, but to confirm that Gong Yadi had a role in bullying her daughter.

When Di Beiting saw this, those who had watched the show from beginning to end suddenly felt excited in their hearts.

I'm afraid that Di Beiting misunderstood them.

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