My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1343 On the road of seeking death, going further and further

"Mom, mom, it hurts..."

Gong Yadi, who finally regained some strength, spoke weakly to her mother with pain on her face.

Seeing her daughter in such pain, Feng Mei felt heartbroken.

"Where does it hurt? Where are you injured? Come on, tell mom."

Feng Mei looked up and down, but could not see any injuries on her daughter's body, and her face became even more anxious and worried.

"Belly, belly..."

The severe pain in her stomach made it increasingly difficult for Gong Yadi to speak, and her face became paler and colder sweat continued to break out from her face.

Seeing her daughter in such misery, Feng Mei felt heartbroken. At the same time, she felt very angry at the person who hurt her daughter.

Unable to hear clearly what her daughter was saying, Feng Mei immediately turned her attention to Xu Yixi, who was standing on the other side of her daughter.

"Yixi, tell me, what happened? Who dared to hurt my daughter?!

I must make her look good! "

Feng Mei had a vicious look on her face, and before she could figure out what was going on, she said harsh words in public.

Of course, in her opinion, she would protect her daughter regardless of whether it was her daughter's fault or not.

After all, Gong Yadi is the only piece of flesh that has fallen from her body, and whether she can continue to enjoy happiness in her later years depends on her daughter.

After being recuperated, Fengmei was used to being aloof and didn't know what it meant to be someone else.

As soon as Feng Mei said these unreasonable words, the theatergoers around her looked at her with eyes full of ridicule.

A person who has never even stepped into the upper class society, since he is so proud of his words, he wants to make the Di family look good?

Gee, I have to say, this woman's mind is really hopelessly stupid.

As for the Gong family father and son, after seeing the situation clearly in front of them, they suddenly understood most of it.

However, before they could save her, they heard Feng Mei say such mindless words, and her face turned red with anger.

Of course, it's more about fear.

You know, the Di Family is at the top of the pyramid in City A.

As long as someone from the Di family opens his mouth, the small Gong family group will be declared bankrupt in less than an hour.

As for Xu Yixi who was asked, his face became even paler and colorless.

Xu Yixi was about to remind Feng Mei, but was interrupted by another voice.

"What a loud tone, then I want to see how you want my daughter to think of you!"

Sun Qian was already angry, but after hearing Feng Mei's bold words, she immediately became even more angry.

Sun Qian, who had always been very talkative in front of outsiders, now had a serious face, full of anger.

Completely different from usual.

Of course, this made it clear to everyone present how much she loved her daughter.

Hearing someone speaking behind her, Feng Mei turned her head and subconsciously wanted to curse back.

"What are you..."

When she saw who was speaking clearly, Feng Mei's eyes widened in horror, and the rest of her words were stuck in her throat.

At this moment, she felt as if someone had strangled her neck.

Seeing Feng Mei talking nonsense again, the Gong family father and son suddenly came to their senses and rushed forward quickly.

Gong Wenqing took one step ahead of Mr. Gong and slapped Feng Mei's face mercilessly with a sullen face.

"Pah - you shrew, who do you think you are? Is this the place where you should act mischievously?!"

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