Finally, the tears slowly slid down and landed on Di Yan's pale skin, almost scalding her.

"No, I said, you don't need to say sorry to me, you never need to..."

Kang Junyan's whole body was filled with an aura of despair, and the curve of the corner of his mouth was even more heartbreaking.

He looked at her deeply, for an instant, as if he wanted to imprint her in his mind forever.

After a long time, he slowly pressed down, and a cool and desperate kiss fell softly on her eyebrows.

"Now, I let you go."

Kang Junyan straightened up, the despair in his eyes gradually faded away, leaving only ruthless coldness.

"However, from now on, don't appear in front of me again, otherwise... I will really never let you go..."

Kang Junyan's words were spoken slowly and coldly, and at the same time they were full of determination and severity.

After saying that, Kang Junyan resolutely wanted to get up and leave, no longer looking at the person who made his heart slowly die.

From now on, he is still Kang Junyan, a more cold-blooded and heartless Kang Junyan than before!

Seeing Kang Junyan leave, Di Yanwei knew that if Kang Junyan really left this time, then they would really be doomed.

Di Yanwei ignored the shock and fear, stood up suddenly, and hugged Kang Junyan who was about to leave.

"Kang Junyan, you are a big bastard, a big fool, a big fool! You are said to be stupid and you still don't admit it.

You clearly said that you would never let me go no matter what.

Haven't you always been domineering and strong? Why aren't you being domineering and forceful this time? !

You are just a paper tiger, a super stupid idiot, a big bastard! "

Di Yanwei knelt on the bed, hugged his neck tightly with both hands, and buried his little face in his neck. His voice was full of tears, and he was just complaining breathlessly.

The softness in his arms shocked Kang Junyan, and a glimmer of hope appeared in his originally dead eyes.

His two big hands trembled as he carefully hugged her back and slowly tightened, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body and never be separated.

"You are right, in front of you, I am just a paper tiger, no matter how ruthless or ruthless I say.

But in the end, I still can’t let it go, I can’t let it go…”

Kang Junyan's voice was full of bitterness, and his eyes, as dark as an eagle, slowly closed, covering up the grief in his eyes.

Hearing this, Di Yanwei cried and laughed immediately, looked up at him, and said sincerely:

"Kang Junyan, you idiot, listen carefully, I love you, my Emperor Yanwei will always love you, and I am willing to be your wife.

So, you can't say let me go again, otherwise, I will make you look good. "

I don’t know if he was infected, but Di Yanwei actually imitated Kang Junyan, being so domineering and forceful even in his confession.

After saying that, Di Yanwei held his handsome face with both hands and ravaged it fiercely, his smart eyes full of domineering.

This kind of Di Yanwei is simply a replica of Kang Junyan.

When Di Yanwei said I love you, Kang Junyan suddenly opened his eyes with shock and uncertainty.

Holding her hands harder and harder, he asked uncertainly, "Really?"

"Of course, don't you believe me?"

Di Yan nodded slightly and then glared at him.


Kang Junyan answered without hesitation, but then he said, "But, weren't you...unwilling just now?"

When Kang Junyan said the last sentence, his heart suddenly tightened, but he still said it.

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