
The two groaned again.

Kang Junyan groaned comfortably, while Di Yanwei groaned strangely, and his face, which was red with anger, suddenly became even redder.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, what if you agreed to follow me?! You actually lied to me!"

Thinking that Kang Junyan had lied to her, Di Yanwei immediately became furious.

Kang Junyan still looked at her innocently, "I am obedient, but aren't you angry?

Are you angry because I quit? "

Kang Junyan looked as innocent as possible at this time, and Di Yanwei was so angry that smoke almost came out of his head.

"Kang Junyan!!! I'll bite you to death, you big bastard!!!"

Di Yanwei was so angry that he suddenly went crazy on the spot.

One forcefully changed his position, pounced on Kang Junyan, and bit down hard on the sensitive spot on his chest.


Kang Junyan groaned again.

His eyes, as dark as an eagle, were frighteningly hot at this moment, and the passion factor that had been suppressed in his body suddenly became even more ready to move.

When Di Yan slightly pounced on Kang Junyan, somewhere between the two of them was not separated. With such a movement, somewhere between the two of them naturally caused friction.

Di Yanwei, who was in a state of explosive hair, did not notice this strangeness, but concentrated on biting Kang Junyan's sensitive spots viciously.

The posture was like that of a raging little wolfdog.

Seeing Kang Junyan's expression that seemed to be in pain but not in pain, Di Yan shook his head slightly, his smart eyes full of pride.

Damn it, let this big bastard keep taking advantage of her and eating her tofu, and after eating her tofu, he still pretends to be innocent?

It's just a typical beating!

"My lady, you are really enthusiastic. Didn't I feed you last night?"

Kang Junyan's two big hands moved restlessly on her body, and his eyes full of heat narrowed slightly.

Kang Junyan at this time looked exactly the same as he did last night before eating.

Seeing Kang Junyan's familiar appearance, Di Yanwei's little heart suddenly trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

However, thinking that if he ran away, it would be equivalent to admitting defeat.

If she gave up, then next time Kang Junyan would eat so unscrupulously, wouldn't she be exhausted?

Such a tiring method will shorten your life a lot!

Therefore, Di Yanwei vowed to defend his life to the death and continued to bite the sensitive spot on Kang Junyan's chest, not letting go until he was beaten to death.

Seeing her sudden stubborn appearance, Kang Junyan couldn't help but chuckle, although he didn't know what was going on in her mind.

However, what he was certain of was that they were not thinking about the same brain circuit.

"Well, although it's not good to exercise too much, since you want it, madam, as a husband, I will naturally satisfy her."

As he spoke, Kang Junyan curled his lips and smiled evilly, and with a movement of his body, he suddenly reversed their positions.

This time, Kang Junyan ascended and Di Yan descended slightly.

At this time, Di Yanwei was like a trapped little wolf dog, miserable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Di Yanwei quickly let go and put his hands on his strong chest, "What do you want to do?!"

Di Yanwei glared at him warily, his eyes still rolling, as if he was thinking about the possibility of escaping.

Kang Junyan lowered his body and approached her, spraying his hot breath on her little face, making her little heart tremble slightly.

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