My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1374: Being too sharp may not necessarily be a good thing

Di Yanwei had just finished drinking tea when he saw their successful expressions, his smart eyes full of confusion.

Seeing the confusion in Di Yanwei's eyes, Wang Lirong and her daughter did not hide the pride on their faces, and a sinister look flashed in their eyes.

Di Yan moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to speak.

However, her expression suddenly changed the next moment, and the tea cup she was holding suddenly fell to the grass.

Even Yan Ping, who was standing behind her, did the same. He suddenly knelt down on one knee on the grass as if he suddenly lost his strength.

"Hmph, Di Yanwei, I thought you were so smart, but now you're in my hands?"

Seeing Di Yanwei's shocked expression, Kang Yuling looked sinisterly and proudly, her tone full of ridicule.

After saying that, Kang Yuling stood up and looked down at the powerless Di Yanwei, "How does it feel to be so powerless and at the mercy of others?"

Di Yanwei leaned on the back of the chair and did not reply, but her expression showed a trace of unwillingness.

And Kang Yuling happened to see this trace of unwillingness clearly.

Seeing the unwillingness on her face, Kang Yuling felt extremely happy in her heart, as if the resentment she had held for so long had finally been vented.

"Aren't you always sharp-tongued? Why don't you speak now? Huh? Hahaha——"

The uglier Di Yanwei's face became, the happier Kang Yuling became.

Di Yanwei still said nothing, but looked at Kang Yuling with eyes that became more and more unwilling.

Wang Lirong on the side saw that her daughter was so happy and couldn't help but help her work harder.

"Miss Di, don't blame us for being cruel. This is what the old man meant. If you want to blame us, it's because you are not the third Miss Di.

It will never be possible for the Kang family and the Di family to marry, so it will never be possible for you and Junyan.

Miss Di San, you should give up before it's too late, so as not to continue to suffer. This will not be good for anyone. "

With a sneer on her face, Wang Lirong attacked Di Yanwei without sparing any effort, wanting to see her in pain.

Sure enough, after listening to her words, Di Yanwei's eyes showed disbelief.

Then, it gradually turned into unwillingness and pain.

Di Yanwei finally closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to face this fact.

Recalling the scene when mother and daughter were in the restaurant that day, they were ridiculed by Di Yanwei with sharp words.

Looking at Di Yanwei's painful expression now, Wang Lirong and her daughter felt extremely happy in their hearts.

It was as if that resentment had finally been vented.

However, they finally got the opportunity, how could they just let Di Yanwei go?

"Do you know why the old man asked Jun Yan to come here tonight?"

Wang Lirong suddenly asked Di Yanwei.

Di Yanwei, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Lirong.

Seeing Di Yanwei's reaction, Wang Lirong was very satisfied and continued, "Because Jun Yan is so promising.

At less than twenty-four years old, he became the youngest chief in the history of country A.

Until now, when he is twenty-seven years old, his position in country A is so strong that even the president is afraid of him.

In fact, sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing for people to be too promising and show off their talents too much. "

After listening to Wang Lirong's words, Di Yanwei didn't seem to understand what she meant. His brows were furrowed and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Wang Lirong didn't seem to want to ask Di Yanwei to reply. After a pause, she spoke again.

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