Now, she couldn't wait to see Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan in pain.

One is the person she hates to the core, and the other is the person she is extremely afraid of.

Thinking of how miserable they were, she couldn't help but get excited, and her heart was so happy that she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Looking at Kang Yuling's ferocious face, Di Yan slightly restrained his emotions and looked at her expressionlessly.

There was a hint of ridicule in his smart eyes.

Is this their trick? It was so boring that she had to act out a scene with them in vain.

"Why don't you choose quickly, right..."

Seeing that Di Yanwei was silent, Kang Yuling pressed again, his eyes filled with joy.

However, before she could finish her words, Di Yan Wei sprayed tea all over her face.


Di Yanwei, who no longer wanted to act with them, sprayed the tea he had been holding in his mouth onto the face of Kang Yuling, who was close at hand.


Being suddenly sprayed with water, Kang Yuling retreated in panic and wiped her face desperately.

Seeing her daughter's embarrassed appearance, Wang Lirong quickly stepped forward to check if her daughter was injured.

After confirming that her daughter was not injured, Wang Lirong became furious, pointed at Di Yanwei's nose and cursed.

"Di Yanwei, don't be so shameless.

I give you the last choice, not because you are afraid of the Di family, but if you piss me off, believe it or not, I will kill you little bitch right now! "

Wang Lirong, who was in anger, completely ignored the most important key points of Di Yanwei.

Di Yanwei, who was pointed at and scolded, shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay, kill me now. I'm actually quite curious about how you're going to kill me. I want to see it."

Seeing Di Yanwei's nonchalant look, Wang Lirong immediately became even more angry.

I just wanted to wave my hand to let the person hiding in the dark come out.

However, it stopped because of Kang Yuling's scream the next moment.

"Di Yanwei, you didn't drink that cup of tea?!"

Kang Yuling's eyes widened and she stared at Di Yanwei with surprise and uncertainty.

Di Yan smiled slightly and nodded sincerely, "Yes, I didn't drink."

After a pause, Di Yan pointed slightly behind him, "Not only did I not drink, Major General Yan also didn't drink."

As soon as Di Yanwei finished speaking, Yan Ping, who was kneeling on the grass with his head lowered and seemed to be weak, also spat out the tea in his mouth.

"You, you guys!"

At this time, even Wang Lirong's expression changed.

Suddenly, an unknown premonition appeared in her mind, and this premonition made her subconsciously want to take her daughter and run away.

However, after running less than three steps, he was stopped by Yan Ping.

"W-what do you want?"

Wang Lirong's face was pale and her eyes were full of fear.

I originally thought I had a chance to win and control the lives and deaths of others, but who knew that it would be completely reversed in an instant.

It turns out that mother and daughter have become people who control life and death.

Di Yan stood up slightly and walked over slowly, his smart eyes flashing with a hint of coldness.

"What do I want?"

Di Yanwei pretended to be confused and asked, "Isn't it what you want? Why are you asking about me instead?"

"Ah, right."

Suddenly, Di Yanwei seemed to remember something, "Didn't you just ask me to choose one of the two?

Well, let me tell you now, I will choose neither of them, because neither Junyan nor I will die. "

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