Kang Junyan chuckled, kissed her neck, and coaxed softly, "Thank you for your hard work, my wife."


Di Yan turned his head slightly and snorted, and stopped moving his hands.

"Ma'am, please rest now. Leave the rest to me."

Kang Junyan raised his head and kissed her lips.

And a big hand touched her little hand, leading her to continue putting out the fire.

Di Yanwei, who had been putting out the fire for more than an hour, was already exhausted. He could only groan and express his dissatisfaction with Kang Junyan's rogue behavior.

Ten minutes later, the fiery flames finally went out.

At the last moment, Kang Junyan pulled away her little hand, so there were no obvious marks on the two of them.

However, it is very obvious in the car.

Smelling the obvious smell in the air, Di Yanwei's face became even more burning.

"Kang Junyan!"

Di Yanwei became angry from embarrassment, lying on the car seat and staring at Kang Junyan, the culprit.

Kang Junyan, who received the benefits, was obviously in a happy mood.

"My lady, thank you for your hard work. You are so kind."

Kang Junyan rubbed his face against hers, obviously acting coquettishly, right?

"Okay, what a fart! My hand is going to be broken, what do you think I should do?"

Seeing how satisfied he was after eating and drinking, the little flame in Di Yanwei's heart suddenly started to rise.

What the hell, where is this guy Kang Junyan, who promised to hate women? What about being cold in some aspect that you agreed to do?

Shit! What bastard spread the rumor?

Stand up and she promises not to beat him to death!

"It's okay. From now on, I will be your right hand and follow your orders."

Kang Junyan got an advantage and behaved well, and kept trying to please him.

At the same time, he held her sore and weak little hands and massaged them gently.

"As I command, right?"

Di Yan squinted his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth curved into something that looked like a smile but not a smile.

That little appearance is extremely dangerous.

Kang Junyan, as if he was not aware of her danger, nodded firmly, "As long as Madam orders me, I will do it."

"This is what you said, don't say I bullied you."

Di Yanwei hummed on the surface, but a hint of treachery flashed in his smart eyes.

Hum hum, Kang Junyan, such a big bastard, made her hands so sore that she couldn't even feel them. How could she live up to her style if she didn't take the opportunity to retaliate?

Kang Junyan's handsome face was exceptionally soft, and his eyes as dark as an eagle were full of doting and tenderness.

"Get up, mother."

Di Yanwei pushed him with his left hand, his tone slightly disgusted.

What the hell, Kang Junyan was treating her like a dried persimmon.

Kang Junyan, who had eaten and drank enough, stood up obediently and helped Di Yanwei up.

Di Yan glanced at him slightly and said, "Why don't you quickly clean up yourself? Do you still want me to help you clean up?"

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and said angrily.

Kang Junyan completely accepted the resentment expressed by the little wild cat and quickly tidied himself up obediently.

At the same time, he also took the initiative to clean up the little wild cat.

Di Yanwei was very satisfied with Kang Junyan's service in his heart, but on the surface, he looked arrogant.

Looking at the partition in front of him inadvertently, Di Yanwei suddenly froze, and the heat that had just retreated from his face suddenly surged up again.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing Di Yanwei's face suddenly turn red, Kang Junyan frowned and put his big hand on her forehead.

Di Yanwei did not speak, but opened his eyes wide and turned to look at him mechanically. He raised a small hand tremblingly and pointed at the raised partition.

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