Then, with perfect accuracy, he grabbed Qiu Xuelan's right hand with one hand, and then grabbed it with all his strength.


The pain on her wrist made Qiu Xuelan scream out regardless of her image, and her face turned pale from the pain.

From the beginning to the end, Feng You, who never thought about stopping him, saw that Qiu Xuelan suffered a loss, so he wanted to step forward to rescue Qiu Xuelan.

However, Di Yanwei's speed was faster than him.

Before Feng You had time to rescue Qiu Xuelan, Di Yanwei's hand clasped Qiu Xuelan's wrist and twisted it hard.


The sound of bones shifting clearly reached the ears of the four people present.


Another scream came from Qiu Xuelan's mouth.

Upon hearing her screams, Di Yanwei's smart eyes flashed with impatience, and he immediately threw her away.

By shouting so loudly, are you trying to compete with whose voice is louder?

Feng You caught Qiu Xuelan who was thrown away, and his gentle expression finally couldn't be maintained.

"Ah, ah! Cousin, it hurts so much. My hand hurts. Are my hands going to be useless?"

Qiu Xuelan held her right hand, which was still in severe pain, with her left hand and cried out to Feng You.

Feng You ignored Qiu Xuelan, but looked at Di Yanwei with a bad expression, with a hint of questioning.

"Miss Di, are you too harsh?"

Di Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and replied nonchalantly, "I'm sorry, I couldn't control my strength at the moment."

Di Yanwei's casual attitude made Feng You's expression even worse.

"Miss Di, even if you are the leader's wife, shouldn't you still give an explanation?"

Feng You refused to give up and pressed forward step by step.

"Explanation? What explanation?"

Di Yan smiled slightly and looked at her funny, "If I insist on giving an explanation, Miss Qiu should give me an explanation.

What did she mean just now? Not only did he accuse Jun Yan of wearing a fake ring on me, but he also wanted to steal my ring? "

Having said this, Di Yan paused slightly and looked at Feng You sharply with his smart eyes.

"If Miss Qiu doesn't give me an explanation now, then I will have to ask Jun Yan to get an explanation for me!"

Di Yanwei's words were full of toughness and vaguely domineering, very much like Kang Junyan's demeanor.

At this moment, Feng You's pupils suddenly tightened, and an inexplicable fear rose in his heart.

After reacting, Feng You couldn't help but feel angry.

How could he be afraid of a woman? It was simply ridiculous!

Although Feng You deceived himself, his face still didn't look much better.

Because, Di Yanwei used his words to severely defeat his army.

Making him have to bow to her.

"Miss Di, my cousin didn't mean that. She was just curious and wanted to take a look. She didn't want to shoot your ring."

Feng You explained coldly.


Di Yanwei did not let him go, but imitated him and pressed forward step by step, "But her behavior just now is not what you said."

Being suppressed by a woman, Feng You's expression became increasingly grim. He looked at Di Yanwei with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

"My cousin has always been impulsive. If she makes Miss Di unhappy, I will ask her to apologize to you."

With that said, Feng You looked at Qiu Xuelan, whose face was full of pain and still wailing.

"Cousin, please apologize to Miss Di quickly."

Qiu Xuelan, who was still wailing, opened her eyes in disbelief when she heard Feng You's words, as if she didn't understand why it was different from what she expected.

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