After listening to Yan Ping's words, Di Yanwei couldn't help being shocked.

She knew that Kang Junyan was good to her and cared about her.

However, she never expected that Kang Junyan, who never allowed anyone to challenge his authority, would choose to temporarily tolerate it for her.

Just to prevent her reputation from being stained in the slightest.

How could she not love Kang Junyan like this?

Di Yanwei's nose couldn't help but feel sour, and his smart eyes were slightly red.

She suddenly regretted asking Kang Junyan to wash the car in person, because now she really wanted to hug him tightly.

Let him know that she actually doesn't care about those external things at all, nor does she care about what others think of her.

She only wants the people she cares about to be well.

"I believe, I always have believed in him."

Di Yan smiled slightly and nodded firmly, his tone full of piety.

Yan Ping, who had been worried about his leader, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Kang Junyan drove the car outside the coffee shop.

Seeing Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei stood up suddenly without thinking and walked quickly outside the coffee shop.

At this time, she longed for Kang Junyan's warm embrace.

"Kang Junyan."

As soon as Kang Junyan got out of the car, a sound that made his heart palpitate came from behind.

The corners of Kang Junyan's mouth were slightly raised, his dark eagle eyes softened subconsciously, and he turned to look at the person behind him.

Just when he turned around, a petite figure suddenly rushed towards him. The familiar aura made Kang Junyan, who reflexively wanted to take action, instantly withdraw his strength.

"Kang Junyan."

Di Yanwei threw herself into Kang Junyan's arms and hugged him tightly, as if they would never be separated.

Kang Junyan responded to her request and gently stroked her hair, "What's wrong? We've only been apart for a while, and my wife misses me?"

Kang Junyan lowered his head and said evilly in her ear, his voice full of charm.

If it were in the past, Di Yanwei would definitely be furious and refuse to admit it.

However, after listening to Yan Ping's words, her heart softened, and all she could see was Kang Junyan.

At this time, she couldn't resist Kang Junyan at all, and she was very brave in her own heart.

So, as soon as Kang Junyan finished speaking, she nodded immediately, "Yes, I miss you, I miss you so much."

Di Yanwei's voice was muffled, and she buried her little face in his strong chest, smelling his unique scent.

Regarding the little wild cat's unusual reaction, Kang Junyan frowned slightly, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

Kang Junyan glanced at Yan Ping, who had just walked out of the coffee shop, and his cold eyes made Yan Ping's nerves tense.

Yan Ping lowered his head, and Alexander stood silently aside.

He just told what the chief had done for his wife, and he only hoped that his wife would not misunderstand the chief.

At the same time, it also lets the wife know how much the chief cares about her.

However, he did not expect that his wife, who had always been fierce and fiery, would have such a big reaction.

Now, the chief's punishment is unavoidable. Who asked him to 'talk' his wife to tears?

At this moment, Yan Ping couldn't help but feel like he had been shot while lying down.

However, it is worth it for the chief's happiness.

Yan Ping was distressed and sighed.

Kang Junyan, who didn't know the painstaking efforts of his family members, glanced at Yan Ping and focused all his attention on the person in his arms.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing something was wrong with Di Yanwei, Kang Junyan asked with concern.

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