She just had a passionate exercise last night, and she didn't want to do it again now!

Di Yan raised his head slightly bitterly and looked at Kang Junyan, his smart eyes full of resentment.

This big bastard, with so much energy every day, is not afraid of losing his temper!

Seeing her slightly aggrieved look, the curve of Kang Junyan's mouth never dropped.

"My wife is so delicious that I can't help but want to keep eating..."

Kang Junyan lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

His voice was hoarse and charming, and it stopped in other people's ears, full of bewitching meaning.

However, Di Yanwei, who had long been accustomed to Kang Junyan's routine, only reacted after being distracted for a moment.

"Eat, eat, eat. Why don't you eat yourself? The more meat you have, the more delicious it will be."

Seeing that pretending to be pitiful had no effect, Di Yanwei suddenly became furious and showed his sharp claws at him.

"How does Madam know that my meat is delicious?"

After listening to Di Yanwei's words, Kang Junyan became even more happy, "Yes, I forgot that when I ate my wife, she also ate me.

No wonder Madam knows that my meat tastes better than Madam. "

Kang Junyan pushed further and became more and more rogue in front of Di Yanwei, and even took the opportunity to bite her earlobe.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, do you want to go to the banquet? If you don't go, don't waste my time. I don't have time to talk to you!"

Facing Kang Junyan's unscrupulous rogue, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth and glared at him fiercely.

What the hell, Kang Junyan is just a big beast in wolf skin!

It’s the kind of person whose moral integrity has no limits!

Seeing the little wild cat's hair blowing up, Kang Junyan quickly curried favor with Shun Mao.

"Of course, there is a good show tonight, Madam is waiting for you to watch."

Kang Junyan stroked her head and smoothed her hair.

"Don't touch me, stay calm!"

Regarding Kang Junyan's behavior of always irritating her and then giving her a favor, Di Yanwei said that Kang Junyan is a complete bastard!

"As you command, my lady."

Kang Junyan obediently put down his hand and stopped touching her head.

"Let go."

Di Yanwei glared fiercely, and he still held his hand around her waist.

"As you command, my lady."

Kang Junyan looked innocent, but he let it go.

The behavior of the two people commanding and moving at the same time made Yan Ping on the side want to laugh.

He never knew that the cold-hearted and iron-blooded leader actually had such a bad side.

He always likes to tease his wife, and then smooth her hair to please her.

I have to say that the chief’s hobby really makes people laugh or cry.


After glaring at Kang Junyan who was pretending to be innocent, Di Yan snorted coldly, turned around and left proudly.

Looking at her arrogant figure, the curve of Kang Junyan's mouth widened even more, and his eyes as dark as an eagle were full of doting.

presidential palace.

"Mr. President, your son is truly a tiger with no son. He will definitely have a bright future in the future."

"Yes, yes, the President's son is a talented person. You can tell at a glance that he is the best among men. He will definitely achieve great things in the future."

"Of course, as the son of the President, Mr. You will have extraordinary achievements in the future."

In the splendid hall, there were a bunch of officials surrounding the Feng family and his son, and words of praise continued to come out.

Fengyou was very humble on the surface, but he was very grateful in his heart.

As a father, Feng Zhou was naturally very happy when he heard others praise his son.

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