My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1408 Everything I have is everything to her

Looking at the enthusiastic people around him, Di Yanwei, who was hugged around the waist by Kang Junyan, couldn't help but be speechless.

Why does she feel that Kang Junyan is like a heart-throb star and these officials are crazy fans?

Is Kang Junyan's appeal too exaggerated?

However, Di Yanwei could also see it, although most people looked at Kang Junyan with admiration.

However, there are also a few people who are jealous.

Kang Junyan ignored the enthusiasm of the surrounding officials with a cold face and walked directly in the direction of the president.

Despite this, those officials seemed to have long been accustomed to it and did not mind Kang Junyan's cold face. They were still very enthusiastic.

Even Kang Junyan didn't reply a word.

The two came to Feng Zhou, but Kang Junyan did not speak. Instead, he glanced at Feng You coldly, and then looked at Feng Zhou.

Kang Junyan already knew what happened in the coffee shop before, so his eyes that glanced at Feng You were full of warning.

Kang Junyan's warning almost stopped Fengyou from breaking out.

"I have long heard that a beautiful woman appeared next to you, Chief Kang. Now it seems that the rumor is true."

Feng Zhou's old face, with a gentle smile, looked at Di Yanwei and said to Kang Junyan.


Kang Junyan responded calmly and said nothing else.

Those around him thought nothing of Kang Junyan's cruelty. After all, Kang Junyan's cruelty had already taken root in people's hearts.

However, the Feng family father and son did not feel that way.

The Feng family and his son believed that Kang Junyan was challenging them, and even more so, the authority of the president.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

"Sir, don't you know who this young lady is?"

A man who looked at Kang Junyan with admiration realized that the atmosphere was not right and quickly stepped forward to resolve the situation.

Kang Junyan glanced at the man coldly, and just when everyone thought he wouldn't answer, he slowly spoke.

"She is my wife, everything to me, and everything to her."

Kang Junyan looked at the person next to him, and his cold eyes immediately softened when they touched her.

Although Kang Junyan's voice was not loud, it was like the most pious oath, deeply engraved in everyone's hearts.

Hearing Kang Junyan's words, everyone's eyes widened with shock.

Kang Junyan actually said that everything about him was everything to her? !

This undoubtedly clearly told everyone how much Kang Junyan cared about Di Yanwei, his wife.

For a moment, everyone looked at Di Yanwei with looks that were flattering, probing, and jealous.

Of course, those who are jealous of Di Yanwei are undoubtedly women.

"Are you the second young lady of the Di family, Di Yanwei?"

A woman looked at Di Yanwei in deep thought, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she exclaimed in surprise.

Di Yanwei looked over after hearing the sound, and saw a woman looking at her in surprise.


Di Yanwei nodded to her and did not hide his identity.

Moreover, even if I want to hide it, I'm afraid I can't.

After all, she had invited many people to her birthday party before.

It's not surprising that someone recognized her now.

Those who had just guessed about Di Yanwei's identity and background suddenly realized when they heard that Di Yanwei was the second young lady of the Di family.

The Di Family is the uncrowned king in City A and even in the entire business community of Country A.

Therefore, it is a perfect match for a young lady from the Di family to marry Kang Junyan.

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