Facing Feng Zhou's sinister gaze, Kang Junyan felt no pressure at all. Instead, he chuckled and said nonchalantly, "That would be great."

The people present, except the Feng family father and son, and Emperor Kang Jun Yan Wei, all had doubts in their eyes.

Everyone could hear something in Kang Junyan's words, but they didn't know what Kang Junyan was referring to.

However, many people secretly speculated that the incident Kang Junyan was alluding to might have something to do with Country F.

Seeing President Feng Zhou's expression change, Di Yanwei couldn't help but shake his head.

Compared with Kang Junyan, this old man's skill seems not to be sufficient.

What Kang Junyan was alluding to was actually what happened when Feng You was in country F a few months ago.

Feng You raped a girl in country F, and then the girl got pregnant, so he went to Feng You to take responsibility.

However, who is Fengyou, and how can he marry any woman?

The two had an argument on the side of the road, and Feng You accidentally threw the girl off the road and was hit by a car.

The child in the girl's belly was gone, and the girl became a vegetative state.

Because it was close to midnight, there was no commotion, and in the end Feng You used money to suppress it.

Feng Zhou, the father, also had a hand in covering up this matter.

Once the matter is revealed, Feng You will definitely stay. It is simply impossible to succeed as president.

The Feng family father and son thought they were keeping things secret, but they were still dug out by Yan Ping, his omnipotent subordinate.

Now being hinted by Kang Junyan in front of everyone, it's strange that the expressions of the Feng family and his son can't change.

The difference between Kang Junyan and Feng Zhou made everyone afraid to express their anger for fear of causing disaster to Yuchi.

"Your Excellency, everything is ready. The banquet can begin."

An old housekeeper quickly walked to Feng Zhou and said respectfully.

Feng Zhou glanced at Kang Junyan with narrowed eyes, and then took the lead to walk to the high platform not far away.

Looking at Feng Zhou's back, a cold light flashed in Di Yanwei's eyes.

The look Feng Zhou looked at Kang Junyan just now seemed to be filled with murderous intent? It seemed that he really couldn't wait to take action.

Feng Zhou stood on the high platform and made a lot of speeches, then introduced his son, and finally the banquet began.

Most people at the banquet wanted to get close to Kang Junyan.

However, after being swept away by Kang Junyan's cold gaze, no one dared to step forward.

So, Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan sat on the sofa in the corner, enjoying their world together.

However, the two of them had not enjoyed their world for long before someone came to separate them.

"Sir, the President would like to invite you to gather upstairs."

The old housekeeper came over and said respectfully to Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan's eyes, as dark as an eagle, reflected a biting cold light, and his aura suddenly burst out.

The almost suffocating aura couldn't help but put a look of fear on the old housekeeper's face.

After a while, Kang Junyan kissed the corner of Di Yan's mouth and said, "Wait for me. I'll be back soon."

"Well, be careful."

Di Yan nodded slightly and deliberately lowered his voice.

Kang Junyan's lips curled up slightly, and he rubbed her head with his big hands before following the old housekeeper upstairs.

Looking at Kang Junyan's tall back, Di Yanwei couldn't help but have a flash of worry in his eyes.

Although Kang Junyan said that everything had been arranged, she was still a little uneasy, always afraid of something unexpected.

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