Di Yan looked at him slightly, the guard in his eyes slowly weakening, "Okay."

A dark light quickly flashed in Feng You's eyes, and then he led her to the back garden in a very gentlemanly manner.

The people around watched the two people leave. Although they were curious, they did not dare to follow them.

"Let's sit here."

When he came to the back garden, Feng You came to the middle and sat directly on the grass. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for Di Yan to sit down slightly.

Di Yan frowned slightly, but still walked over and sat down, only about an arm's length away from Feng You.

In response, Feng You smiled helplessly, then lay back on the grass and looked at the night sky.

"Would you like to lie down too? Looking at the night sky this way will make you feel special, as if you are much closer to the night sky."

Feng You turned around and smiled softly at Di Yan, as if he was a gentle lover.

Di Yan shook his head slightly, "No, can you tell me now? Who is that woman?"

Di Yanwei looked at Feng You, looking a little anxious.

However, Fengyou didn't seem to notice her anxiety and looked towards the starry night sky.

"Do you know why many people like stars?"

Feng You asked softly, the smile on his face becoming gentler.

Then, without waiting for Di Yanwei's reply, he added, "Because many people are looking at the stars in the night sky and missing the people they like.

I hope that one day, someone I like can watch it with me. "

Having said this, Feng You paused and looked at Di Yanwei with an expression on his face, "And I've finally arrived."

Meeting his expressive gaze, Di Yanwei's eyes dodge a little, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"

Feng You sat up again and looked directly at her, "Yan Wei, I've fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you.

I fell in love with you at first sight, but you are already with the chief.

The last time I met you in a coffee shop, you didn't know how excited I was, and I couldn't wait to express my feelings to you immediately.

However, I am afraid that you will reject me without hesitation, and I don't want to destroy your happiness. "

Feng You looked lonely and forbearing, as if he was suppressing pain for Di Yanwei.

Di Yanwei, on the other hand, stared at Feng You in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

His hands were clasped together in confusion, obviously not knowing how to react.

"Then, why are you telling me now?"

Di Yan lowered his head slightly, seeming a little shy.

"Because I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it. I can only look at you but not be with you.

Moreover, I used to think that the chief was very kind to you, but recently I realized that he was not.

You have been living together for so long, and he keeps saying that you are his wife.

However, after all this time, he is not willing to get the certificate from you, and he has never thought about giving you a wedding. He doesn't care about you at all.

After knowing all this, my heart hurt so much that I almost couldn't bear the pain, so I couldn't help but want to express my feelings to you. "

As he spoke, Feng You seemed to be in pain, covering his head tightly with both hands, as if he was trying his best to suppress his emotions.

"No, no, Junyan said now is not the time. He will wait until next year. He will definitely get the certificate from me next year.

As for the wedding, he will definitely give it to me. He said he will always love me. "

Di Yanwei's face turned pale and he explained in a panic.

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