My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 142 What kind of cause, what kind of fruit


After the screams sounded, there was a loud bang.

At this time, Zhang Dongmei was lying on the ground, her face was full of pain, and her fat body was trembling slightly.

I don't know if it's anger or pain.

Everyone present could clearly see that Di Yanmo kicked Zhang Dongmei into the air, slammed into the wall fiercely, then bounced back suddenly and fell to the ground, half dead.

Quiet, for a while, the huge restaurant was eerily quiet.

"Hahaha~ As expected of my son-in-law, he's really amazing, just like me!"

Xia Yuwei was the first to come back to her senses, and said with a haha ​​smile.

At the same time, the eyes looking at Di Yanmo were full of admiration and love.

With such a tough son-in-law, do you have to worry about your precious daughter being bullied?

Thinking of this, the smile on Xia Yuwei's face became brighter and brighter.

But Lin Qian Yi was stunned instantly after seeing the power of her own fourth master.

It never occurred to her that the always cool kiss of Fourth Master would make a move at the slightest disagreement? !

Moreover, it seems that there is no mercy? Kiss fourth master kicked Zhang Dongmei just now, probably doubled Zhang Dongmei's internal organs, right?

Otherwise... how could Zhang Dongmei feel so painful that she wanted to pass out?

Looking at Zhang Dongmei who was lying on the ground trembling in pain, Lin Qian Yi showed no pity in her eyes, but a flash of joy flashed across her eyes.

For Zhang Dongmei's so-called so-called aunt who was bitter and mean, Lin Qian Yi had long wanted to beat her up, but unfortunately she didn't find the chance.

Now that her family's fourth master has helped her, she is naturally very happy!

Tsk tsk, the power of the fourth master of her family is really not covered.

Regarding Lin Qianyi's mother and daughter's coolness, Xia Xueli and Xia Baizhi looked gloomy after watching Zhang Dongmei being kicked away.

Of course, they didn't dare to do anything to Di Yanmo, because the previous lesson was still vivid in their memory!


Xia Baizhi's face was pale, and she ran to Zhang Dongmei's side in panic, trying to reach out to help Zhang Dongmei.


"Ahhhh—don't, touch me! Don't touch me! Ah——"

Zhang Dongmei's painful screams sounded again, and even her fat face was covered with cold sweat.

Seeing her mother in such pain, Xia Baizhi's hatred for Lin Qian Yi deepened.

If it wasn't for Lin Qian Yi, how could this man with a strong aura in front of him attack her mother? How could they deal with their Xia family? !

All of this is Lin Qian Yi's fault! It's all that bitch Lin Qian Yi! !

At this moment, Xia Baizhi blamed Lin Qian Yi for all her faults, completely unaware that the source of all this started from her.

As the saying goes, what kind of evil cause will be planted, and what kind of evil result will be reaped.

Xia Baizhi is a typical example.

Sensing Xia Baizhi's hatred gaze, Lin Qian Yi turned her head to look, and only gave her a cold look.

Xia Baizhi, who was hating Lin Qian Yi, suddenly felt a cold gaze falling on her, making her be watched by the King of Hades.

Looking up suddenly, Xia Baizhi was startled when she looked at God Yanmo with no warmth in her eyes, and looked away in fear and panic, not daring to look at Di Yanmo again.

Looking at his wife who was in a state of distress at this time, Xia Xueli didn't have the slightest distress in his eyes, or in his eyes, his wife was just a tool.

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