After saying that, before Di Yan Wei's hair could explode, he suddenly grabbed her red lips and invaded her territory forcefully.


Regarding Kang Junyan who invaded her territory and raided her territory wantonly, Di Yan was so angry that his teeth itched and he wanted to bite him off.

However, hey, so special, she still can't bear it, how swollen!

After Di Yanwei despised himself, he began to concentrate on fighting.

Not only did she fight back in the territory that belonged to her, her hands and feet were not idle either. In short, all the parts that could be used for attack were used.

For a moment, small muffled sounds continued to sound in the huge room. After a long time, Di Yanwei's frustrated roar rang out.

"Kang Junyan, you are such a big bastard, why don't you fight in a one-on-one fight again if you have the guts!"

"Kang Junyan, you are just a bastard, let me go quickly, or I will fight you!!"

"Fuck! Bastard! Don't keep doing this, get out of here, uh-fuck! Bastard, you... uh-"

The roar, which was strong at the beginning, gradually became soft and weak, with a hint of begging for mercy.

"You bastard, if you tire me out, I will come back to you as a ghost and beat you up."

"Asshole, I want to rest, stop moving, I'm so tired, I want to sleep, go away!!"

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, did you eat strong spinach or something? It's almost five o'clock now, do you want to go to bed?!

If you don’t want to sleep, I want to sleep, woo woo woo, I’m so sleepy, I’m so tired, I want to sleep! Wuwuwu——”

At the end, Di Yan had a slightly bitter look on his face, pretending to be pitiful.

However, Kang Junyan continued his passionate movement and kissed her sympathetically.

"Be good, go to sleep."

Kang Junyan placed a kiss on her brow and then sped up his movements.

"Go to sleep! You bastard, you are just a bastard..."

Feeling that he had increased his speed, Di Yanwei no longer had the strength to even roar, and could only passively enjoy what he had to offer.

Half an hour later, calm finally returned.

Looking at the little wild cat in his arms who was too sleepy to open his eyes and still murmured calling him a bastard, Kang Junyan couldn't help but feel pity and amusement.

It seemed that he was really tired, but when facing her, all his self-control failed.

Moreover, tonight opened the wounds of many years again, and he couldn't control himself even more.

Fortunately, I still have the little wild cat in my arms.

Otherwise, his life will only be a cold world without a trace of warmth, and he will be like a living dead.

Only she can quickly heal his injuries, and he only needs her to heal them.

He placed a kiss on Di Yanwei's brow again, then gently picked her up and walked to the bathroom.

After Di Yan woke up from sleep, she pinched herself in confusion because she suspected that she was sleepwalking.

This is not a room in a villa, but a strange room.

However, the pain on her face told Di Yanwei that she was not dreaming. She might really be sleepwalking, and she didn't know whose house she sleepwalked to.

Di Yan moved his sore body slightly, then slowly got out of bed, looked around, and walked towards the door.

After opening the door, Di Yanwei did not go out immediately, but stretched his head out first.

She still doesn't know whose house she sleepwalked into. It would be very bad if she was thought to be a thief.

However, as soon as she stuck her head out, she met a pair of cold eyes.

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