The series of questions Kang Junyan asked made Di Yan slightly angry and itched his teeth, wanting to bite him and grind his teeth.

"Damn! Kang Junyan, can the things you are thinking in your mind be more pure?!

I keep ten or eight of them, and I didn’t say what they were used for. Don’t just slander me. What I think in my head is not as dirty as yours! "

Di Yan screamed angrily, and at the same time used his hands and feet to kick Kang Junyan off the sofa.

Kang Junyan suppressed her hands and feet, preventing her from moving, and looked at her with eyes full of teasing.


Kang Junyan raised his eyebrows evilly and said seductively, "Are you sure I didn't see through it, so Madam changed your story?"

After being frustrated again and again, Di Yanwei finally couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his upper body with all his strength, opened his mouth and bit his lower lip.

"You bastard who took advantage of me and acted like a good boy! I'm going to bite you to death, bastard, big bastard, stinky egg, shameless bastard."

Di Yanwei was like a turtle, biting his lower lip and not letting go, and growling vaguely and viciously.

Looking at his lover who was furious again, a smile flashed in Kang Junyan's dark eyes like an eagle.

His big hands supported her back without any trace, so that she didn't have to lift her upper body so hard.

Kang Junyan obediently let her bite him, full of doting.

If she didn't let her calm down, he would have to sleep in the study tonight.

Di Yanwei, who didn't know Kang Junyan's little thoughts, saw that he didn't dare to move, and immediately snorted at him proudly.

In Kang Junyan's opinion, that look was simply too cute.


At this moment, there was a knock on the office door. After waiting for a moment, Yan Ping opened the door and came in.

However, as soon as he came in, he saw the scene of a single man being tortured to death.

Single Wang Yanping said that after suffering 10,000 points of damage, would he still let him live?

The proud Di Yanwei didn't notice the knock on the door at all. She didn't react until Yan Ping opened the door and came in.

Di Yan's eyes widened slightly, and there was a flash of confusion in her eyes. She even forgot that she was biting Kang Junyan's lower lip.

So, in this weird state, Di Yanwei played a game of one-two-three wooden figures with Yan Ping.

After being glanced at by Kang Junyan from the corner of his eye, the wooden man Yan Ping suddenly reacted and left the office quickly.

In the huge office, two people were left in a strange state again.

After Yan Ping went out, Di Yanwei was stunned for a second or two, then suddenly let go and pushed Kang Junyan.

"You, you, you, I, you, I, I..."

After pushing Kang Junyan away, Di Yan shrank to the end of the sofa, blushed and pointed at Kang Junyan, speaking incoherently.

Kang Junyan was not unhappy when he was pushed away. Instead, he felt helpless and his eyes were full of smiles.

After being intimate so many times, the little wild cat is still so shy, which really makes him love and helpless.

Seeing Kang Junyan's nonchalant look, Di Yanwei was immediately furious.

"Kang Junyan! It's all you!"

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and stared at him fiercely.

Damn it, I was bumped into something intimate, and he was a very close acquaintance, so don’t be too embarrassed!

Could she dig a hole, bury the bastard Kang Junyan, and then dig a hole to dig in herself?

Di Yanwei covered his face silently and wailed silently at the ceiling.

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