My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1428 But next time Madam will take the initiative

Looking at her little appearance, Kang Junyan couldn't help but laugh, and gently scratched the tip of her nose with his slender fingers.

"My lady, you are really smart."

"Of course, it doesn't matter who I am."

After receiving some praise, Di Yanwei immediately raised his tail proudly.

In Kang Junyan's opinion, her appearance was so cute that he almost couldn't control himself.

"Hurry up, let's discuss the secret plan and see how to deal with the two father and son of the Feng family."

Di Yanwei was so excited that he immediately wanted to get off the sofa, and then pulled Yan Ping over to discuss.

However, just as she was about to move, Kang Junyan suppressed her legs and prevented her from running around.

"It's been discussed."

Kang Junyan asked her to settle down and said helplessly.

"What?! It's already been discussed? Why don't you wait for me to come with you?"

Di Yanwei stared, his chest heaving violently, waiting for Kang Junyan, "Say! Why don't you wait for me to discuss it together?!"

"I want you to sleep a little longer."

Kang Junyan pinched her nose, his eyes full of doting.

Di Yanwei slapped his hand down and said angrily, "You won't wake me up?!"

"I can not let it go."

Kang Junyan's face was full of innocence, and his big hands touched her little face.

Di Yanwei slapped his hand again, gritted his teeth and said harshly, "I will settle this debt with you later.

Tell me, what is the plan you came up with? "

Damn it, the torturer didn't call her. It's totally unreasonable. Don't you know that her favorite thing is torture? !


Kang Junyan stopped making small moves to her and continued to massage her thighs obediently.

"How about nothing?"

Di Yanwei squinted over, his eyes full of danger.


Kang Junyan nodded calmly as if he didn't feel her danger.

"Kang Junyan!"

Di Yanwei growled angrily, glaring at him with eyes that almost breathed fire.

"Madam, you really want to know?"

Kang Junyan suddenly showed an evil smile, and a dark light quickly flashed in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

"Nonsense, why am I asking you if I don't want to know?"

Not noticing the dark light in his eyes, Di Yanwei rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"Madam wants to know, it's not impossible, but..."

Kang Junyan stopped moving his hands, and the handsome face that drove countless women crazy suddenly approached her.

"But what?"

Di Yan slightly backed away subconsciously and looked at him warily.

"But Madam must take the initiative next time. If Madam agrees, I will tell you."

Kang Junyan's mouth curled up with a hint of evil, and his tone was full of charm.

"Take the initiative? What initiative?"

Di Yanwei's mind didn't turn around for a moment, and he asked in a daze.

"of course……"

As he spoke, Kang Junyan came closer to her, spraying his hot breath on her little face, and his slightly cool thin lips slowly slid from her red lips to her neck.

After being lightly bitten by him on his neck, Di Yanwei realized what he meant by taking the initiative.

In an instant, Di Yanwei's hair exploded.

"Kang Junyan, you bastard and scoundrel, your face is dozens of times thicker than the city wall!

No, you are just shameless, shameless! "

Di Yanwei endured the soreness of his body, raised his foot and kicked Kang Junyan in the abdomen, while roaring angrily.

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