"Kang Junyan took my mother to the bathroom."

The first thing Di Yanwei did when she woke up was to enslave that bastard Kang Junyan. His enthusiasm factor was so high that she had to sleep for a whole day and night before she could recover.

If you don't enslave him, you would be really sorry for yourself.

Thinking this way, Di Yanwei felt more at ease with the matter of enslaving Kang Junyan.

The enslaved Kang Junyan was very happy. After placing a kiss on her eyebrows, he gently carried her into the bathroom.

After having Kang Junyan serve him like a queen, Di Yanwei finally felt relieved from the frustration in his heart.

"By the way, I want to go back to the Emperor's house today."

While eating breakfast, Di Yanwei said to Kang Junyan.

"I send you."

Kang Junyan put the dumplings into her bowl and said without thinking.

"No, no, I'll just go back by myself. Don't you still have something to do? You're busy yourself, so there's no need to send me off."

Hearing that he was going to send him away, Di Yanwei immediately shook his head, his smart eyes full of vigilance.

The things he did in the car several times before, Di Yanwei didn't want to happen again.

Moreover, this time she was going home.

If Kang Junyan left some traces on her body and her parents and two younger brothers discovered it, then she, the eldest sister, would be embarrassed to death?

Therefore, Di Yanwei insisted on refusing.

Seeing the change in her expression, Kang Junyan's mouth curved slightly, and a hint of evil flashed through his eyes as dark as an eagle.

"Let's go together. It just so happens that I'm going to visit my uncle and aunt and discuss our wedding date."

Kang Junyan said seriously.

"What wedding date?"

Di Yanwei, who caught the two most important ones at the back, immediately widened his eyes and looked at him in astonishment.

"Don't forget, you agreed to my proposal and you can't escape."

Kang Junyan put down his chopsticks, held her right hand, and exposed the ring on her ring finger.

Di Yanwei, "..."

Well, she has already boarded the pirate ship, and it is impossible to get off the ship.

Moreover, she didn't want to do it either.

"I didn't say run away."

Di Yanwei's words were righteous and showed no guilt.

“It’s just that now is not the time, the matters concerning the Di family are not over yet.

Moreover, isn’t your own matter not over yet?

You have to do things wholeheartedly, you know? Otherwise, nothing will be done when the time comes.

I don't want anything unexpected to happen to my wedding. "

As Di Yanwei spoke, he taught Kang Junyan, the leader, in a decent manner.

Later, I didn’t forget to be arrogant.

Of course, her ultimate purpose in saying this was just to make Kang Junyan give up the idea of ​​sending her to the Di family.

Hearing this, Kang Junyan calmed down and seemed to be really thinking.

After a while, under Di Yanwei's intensely expectant gaze, he finally relaxed and said, "Okay, then I will visit again after these matters are settled.

However, Yan Ping must be allowed to follow you. "

Seeing Kang Junyan relent, Di Yanwei quickly nodded and agreed, "Okay, okay, as many people as you want to follow."

As long as it's not you.

Of course, Di Yanwei did not dare to say the next words.

Otherwise, it would not be good if Kang Junyan showed his power and knocked her down again.

Di Yanwei finished his breakfast quickly, then waved his sleeves to Kang Junyan and left without taking a single bun.

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