Di Yanwei said quietly, "Or should I say, Mr. You, you are just a decoration and have no rights?"

"Fart! Who said that?!"

Being accused of being a waste, Feng You immediately became furious.

He has always been pretentious, and now he is being accused of being a waste by others. How can he not be angry?

"I didn't say that, you'll know just by looking."

Di Yan shrugged slightly, not caring at all about his rage.

It must be said that Di Yanwei used this move very skillfully.

Feng You, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly looked at the hundreds of people around him with suspicious eyes.

Once the fruit of doubt is planted in the heart, it will be suppressed indefinitely, and eventually it will get out of hand.

Moreover, as arrogant as Fengyou, he would definitely not ask questions.

"Hmph! Are you using the provoking method?"

Feng You took a deep breath, suppressed the strong discomfort in his heart, and pretended to have seen through Di Yanwei's trick.

"If you think it is, then so be it."

Di Yanwei spread his hands, looking helpless.

However, just like her appearance, De Fengyou's suspicion suddenly became more serious.

However, because this matter was related to success or failure, Feng You was very cautious and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"Yan Wei, I told you that I like you and will give you a grand wedding immediately.

After you get married, you will know how good I am to you. "

Feng You just brought the original topic back and emphasized the word wedding.

Di Yanwei raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Do you think I will believe you? It's just a small request, but you can't even do it.

Why do you think you should let me believe it? "

Di Yanwei's suddenly tough attitude made Feng You even more dissatisfied and his patience dwindled.

"Di Yanwei, don't force me."

Feng You's face darkened and he said gloomily.

"Forcing you? Why did I force you? Aren't you forcing me again now?"

Di Yanwei was not afraid at all and sneered.

"Okay, okay, since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty for toasting, then I will make it happen for you!"

Feng You laughed angrily, nodded repeatedly, and then waved his hand, "Come here, tie him up."

Feng You's order, none of the hundreds of people responded for a while, until Feng You glared at two of them fiercely.

The two people walked out slowly.

"Why don't you hurry up for me, young master? If there is a delay, can you afford it?!"

Because of what Di Yanwei said just now, Feng You was already suspicious in his heart.

Now none of the hundreds of people heeded his orders, no doubt it was Ci Guoguo who slapped him loudly.

Feng You's angry shout caused displeasure to flash across the faces of the two muscular men.

"Master You, don't forget, we are just here to help, not your subordinates.

So please speak politely. "

One of them, who was relatively impatient, responded to Feng You angrily.


Feng You's eyes widened after being scolded, filled with disbelief.

However, before he could roar again, the man turned around and walked towards Di Yanwei, ignoring him.

Looking at the two people walking towards him, Di Yanwei didn't look panicked at all. He just slowly raised the hand holding the pistol.

"Do you think the gun in my hand is faster, or you?"

Di Yanwei looked at the two of them and said relaxedly.

The two men, as soon as Di Yanwei raised the pistol, quickly took out the pistol they had just removed from their waists and pointed it at Di Yanwei.

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