My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1438 Even if you go to hell, I will bring you back


The moment Di Yanwei jumped down, Kang Junyan's heartbreaking shout came from the sky.

"No! No! How dare you? How dare you do anything without my permission! Even if you go to hell, I will pull you back!"

On one of the fighter planes in mid-air, Kang Junyan stood by the open door, his crimson eyes staring crazily at the place where Di Yanwei jumped.

"Drive to the sea!"

Kang Junyan gave the pilot a direct order in a cold voice.

The pilot responded respectfully and immediately drove the fighter plane quickly towards the sea.


Seeing the crazy Kang Junyan, a subordinate sitting opposite him suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.

However, just as he spoke, Kang Junyan's scarlet eyes stared at him like a devil.

"No one can disobey my decision!"

Kang Junyan said coldly.

The subordinate wanted to say something else, but was stopped by another companion sitting next to him.

His companion shook his head at him, indicating that he should say no more.

Because the leader is the one who says the same thing, and no one can change it. All they can do is implement it.

Moreover, those lowly ants actually caused the chief’s wife to jump off the bridge and fall into the sea. She deserves to die!

For a moment, the fighter plane fell into dead silence.

A minute later, the fighter jet arrived at the position where Di Yanwei jumped down.

After finding the correct position, Kang Junyan jumped out of the fighter plane instantly regardless of how high the altitude was or whether the fighter plane had stopped.


Even though the subordinates in the fighter plane knew how powerful their leader was, they still couldn't help but worry about jumping out like this.

It wasn't until Kang Junyan's figure became smaller and smaller, and finally fell into the sea. After seeing tiny dots sliding, he put down his thoughts.

"Okay, it's time to deal with those lowly ants."

One of the men, who looked more mature, said seriously to the other companions.

"Okay! Let's avenge the chief's wife!"

A dozen soldiers in the fighter plane said loudly in unison.

The dozens of fighter planes that received the order immediately descended and surrounded the hundreds of people, including people and vehicles.

He couldn't even jump into the sea.

After watching Di Yanwei jump down, Feng You immediately understood that he had been tricked by Di Yanwei!

However, before he could get angry, a steady stream of sounds came from the sky, which was so loud that it made people feel frightened.

The sound in the sky made the hundreds of people below quickly look up.

When they saw the densely packed dozens of fighter jets and hundreds of people, they immediately looked frightened.

I don't know whether it was because they were too scared or because they didn't react, but hundreds of people were all stunned on the spot.

Including blessing.

Perhaps he never expected that Kang Junyan would break through the encirclement so quickly, and even arrive here!

When they knew that the sound of the fighter plane was getting louder and closer to the ground, hundreds of people who were in shock finally came to their senses.

Almost subconsciously, I wanted to escape.

However, is it possible to escape?

Those who were close to the car immediately got into the car and tried to drive away.

However, the car had just driven less than thirty meters when it was blown up by a grenade dropped from a fighter plane.

The car was immediately blown over and turned over.

After more than 20 vehicles were bombed in a row, no one dared to drive anymore.

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