That said, that towel is a rag!

Tsk tsk, at this moment, Lin Qian Yi really wanted to interview Zhang Dongmei and ask her how the sour taste of the rag was.

As an old mother, Xia Yuwei naturally saw her little girl's little actions, and while she felt happy, she secretly gave her a thumbs up.

With the appreciation of the old lady, Lin Qian Yi naturally smiled even more happily.

Seeing his little wife smiling like a little fox who succeeded in plotting, the pampering in Di Yanmo's eyes couldn't help but grow stronger. With his slender fingers, he gently scratched the tip of her nose.

He found that his little wife was really like a naughty child, but sometimes she was very shrewd, like a slippery little fox.

While making him feel helpless, he also wanted to give his little wife endless love.

Zhang Dongmei was lifted into the arms, and calm was restored in the restaurant.

"Let's have dinner."

The old man of the Xia family, who had been silent all this time, spoke slowly.

From the very beginning, he has been watching quietly, not speaking for any party, let alone blaming any party.

However, Lin Qian Yi saw endless bitterness, pain and self-blame from his cloudy eyes.

Lin Qian Yi and the others walked to the tablecloth and sat down, and with Xia Xueli's support, Mr. Xia took the first seat.

Xia Xueli pulled away from the seat next to Mr. Xia. Suddenly, he frowned and looked sternly at his daughter who was half kneeling on the ground.

"If you don't eat it, get out of here!"

Xia Xueli growled at Xia Baizhi, not at all as if he was talking to his daughter, but as if he was talking to a subordinate, or even a servant.

Xia Baizhi trembled all over, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, which was hatred for Xia Xueli, his father.

Xia Baizhi gritted her teeth hard, held back the humiliation in her heart, stood up, walked to the table and sat down with her head down.

"Mom, this is your favorite fish."

Without waiting for anyone else to move their chopsticks, Lin Qian Yi picked up a piece of fish, and put it into her mother's bowl with a smile.

Seeing the fish in the bowl, Xia Yuwei looked at her daughter with eyes full of doting, "You are really my mother's precious daughter, I know that you should honor your mother and me first."

Xia Yuwei said deliberately a little arrogantly, after she finished speaking, she picked up the fish in the bowl and ate it with satisfaction.

Watching the interaction between Lin Qian Yi and Xia Yuwei's mother and daughter, Xia Baizhi's hands under the dining table clenched into fists, and the specially made nails pierced into her palms fiercely.

Although Xia Xueli was dissatisfied with Lin Qian Yi's ignorance of the rules, he didn't say anything. After all, the one next to Lin Qian Yi was Shibi Hades, and he could not offend him.

As for the old man sitting at the top, seeing the warm interaction between the two, a gleam of relief flashed in his cloudy old eyes.

Back then, he ruthlessly drove his daughter out, but now, he couldn't help her, which made him feel even more guilty about Xia Yuwei.

Now that his daughter is living so happily, he is really happy for his daughter.

Before he knew it, Mr. Xia's old eyes became a little moist.

Eating the dishes filially served by her daughter, Xia Yuwei gradually noticed the gaze of the old man of the Xia family, and when she turned the corner of her eyes, she saw those slightly moist old eyes that seemed to be remembering something.

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