My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1447 You look so beautiful in a wedding dress

Di Yanwei, who was surprised and happy, did not notice the heat in his eyes.

Suddenly, Di Yanwei asked as if thinking of something:

"By the way, aren't you ready too, let's take a fighter plane to see the night scene of country A at night, shall we?"


Kang Junyan nodded, his eyes flickered darkly, and the corner of his mouth evoked an evil smile.

With the envy of many women in country A and the blessings of many people, the wedding of Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan came to a successful conclusion.

After sending all the guests away, the two did not go back to the villa, but directly boarded the fighter plane, and started the plan to see the night scene of the entire country A.

"It turns out that the night view of country A is so beautiful."

On the fighter plane, in a separate room, Di Yanwei lay on the window looking at the night scene below, and couldn't help sighing.

"Well, it's beautiful."

Kang Junyan hugged her from behind, and buried his handsome face between her necks.

The thin lips parted slightly, biting Di Yanwei's neck lightly, and all the scorching breath sprayed onto her neck.

Her body couldn't help getting hotter.

"Don't make trouble, this is a fighter plane."

Feeling Kang Junyan's hint, Di Yanwei blushed a little immediately, and reached out to push him.

This guy really exudes his enthusiasm all the time, she almost can't take it anymore!

She doesn't understand, obviously she is not weak, why is he tired every time by his enthusiasm, haha?

"Ok, I know."

Kang Junyan's muffled voice came from her neck, and at the same time, his hands increased the strength of his arms around her, without any intention of stopping.

"Kang Junyan, we agreed to watch the night view."

Unable to push her away, Di Yanwei immediately reminded him dumbfounded.

"Well, just keep watching, I'll be fine."

As he said that, Kang Junyan's movements became bigger and bigger, and his hands moved around her body.

The touch of the wedding dress in his hand made Kang Junyan more enthusiastic, and soon he respected Di Yanwei in a certain place.

Feeling something hot against her lower back, Di Yanwei almost convinced him.

In this way, how can she concentrate on watching the night scene?

Moreover, why does she feel that Kang Junyan agreed to go to the fighter plane to watch the night scene, just for this moment?

I have to say, Di Yanwei has the truth!

"You look so beautiful in the wedding dress, I can't help but eat you into my stomach, no one is allowed to see it except me."

After taking off her wedding dress, Kang Junyan spoke forcefully and domineeringly in her ear the most true feelings in his heart.

Although he had heard a lot of sweet words from him, Di Yanwei couldn't help but blush.

What's more, it's like eating honey in my heart, it's so sweet that I don't want it.

"Excuse me, you just want to eat me all the time."

At the same time as being sweet, Di Yanwei still didn't forget his arrogant humming.

She didn't wear a wedding dress before, Kang Junyan, a big bastard, didn't stare at her every day.

As long as he got the chance, he would eat all kinds of tofu to her.

"That's because you are so delicious that I can't help but eat it again and again, and I won't get tired of it for the rest of my life."

Seeing her haughty and snorting appearance, Kang Junyan chuckled and kissed her on the brow.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to confess affectionately.

"Hmm, that's what you said. If you dare to get bored, I will never let you go. Even if you chase to the ends of the earth, I will beat you up."

The sweet smile on Di Yanwei's face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

However, soon Di Yanwei regretted these words.

Because, in order to prove that Kang Junyan, he will never get bored, he is more enthusiastic than ever.

It was simply overwhelming for her! Her old waist is about to die of soreness, is it true!

"Damn! Kang Junyan, a big bastard, stop this old lady!"

"Kang Junyan bastard, don't be so fast!!! Don't use this posture, can you change it?"


"Big bastard, are you actually a robot? Otherwise, you wouldn't be tired at all, I'm going to be exhausted by you!!"

"Kang Junyan, if you don't let me rest, I will bite you to death!!!"

The one-night fighter jet journey was spent in the boundless enthusiasm of Kang Junyan and the roar of Di Yanwei...

[End of Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei's episode]

PS: Tomorrow's episode of Two Steamed Buns~~ is about Lin Qian Yi's three-year pregnancy in Country C, written from the perspective of two steamed buns.

pps: The plot starts at the age of three, there will be unexpected plots O(∩_∩)O haha~

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