Di Yanmo was very pleased that the little bun knew how to care about his mommy, "Just give mommy a bottle, and dad will take care of the rest."

He couldn't bear to give his little wife a headache.

The two buns have great trust in their dad, so if dad says he won't do it, then he won't do it.

Soon, Di Yanmo sent the two buns home before five o'clock.

"Daddy, please wait for our good news. Goodbye, daddy."

After Di Yanmo carried the two buns home and put them down, the little bun smiled and waved his chubby hand to his father.

"See you later, Dad."

Di Mo Shen said to his father seriously like a little grown-up.

"Okay, Dad is waiting for the good news from Baozi. See you later."

After kissing the two buns on their little faces, Di Yanmo left.

At five o'clock sharp, Lin Qianyi returned home on time.

"Baby, mommy is back~~"

As soon as she entered the house, Lin Qianyi shouted, with a bright smile on her beautiful face.

"Mommy mommy."

Hearing their mother's voice, the two buns sitting side by side on the sofa immediately jumped off the sofa and ran over with their short legs.

Lin Qianyi crouched down quickly and caught the two buns rushing towards her, "Oh, do you guys miss mommy?"

Dialogue scenes like this happen every day, but no one gets bored.

Although they haven't seen each other for only half a day, the two buns will still miss their mommy.

As for Lin Qianyi, of course she would also like two buns.

"Think~think about it so much."

Di Moxin raised an innocent little face and nodded his head repeatedly.

"Big Baozi misses Mommy too."

Di Mo Shen had a serious face and acted a little more reserved.

"Haha, Mommy misses you too, come here, give me a kiss, baby."

As she said that, Lin Qianyi smiled and moved her face closer.

"Bah chirp—ba chirp—"

The two buns immediately moved forward and gave their mother a big kiss on her face.

"The babies are so good. Come on, Mommy, give the babies a kiss too."

The two buns cooperated very well and moved their little faces closer to the corner of their mother's mouth.

"Bah chirp—ba chirp—"

Lin Qianyi was very satisfied and gave the two buns a big kiss on their faces.

"Mommy, Mommy, grandma bought us a flying saucer to play with. Would you like to play with us?"

After performing the daily heartwarming scene, Di Moxin took his mother's hand and walked into the yard.

Di Moshen also took the other hand and pulled Lin Qianyi into the yard together, not forgetting to pick up the flying saucer he just bought.

"Mommy, mommy, little Baozi is flying with his brother, can mommy pick up the flying saucer?"

After dragging his mommy to the yard, Di Moxin couldn't wait to tell her the gameplay that his dad had told her.

Lin Qianyi, "..."

Is this how flying saucers are played?

However, Lin Qianyi, who loves her two buns, can still accept this different way of playing.

"Okay, don't worry, Mommy will pick them up for the babies soon."

Lin Qianyi rubbed the two buns' little heads and said in assurance.

"Yeah, mommy is the best!"

Seeing that his mother agreed, Di Mo's heart immediately jumped with joy.

"Come on, let's go over there."

To prevent the little bun from getting too happy and spilling the beans, Di Mo Shen and the big bun quickly pulled her and walked to the other side.

So, with the persistence of the two buns, the three of them played flying saucer for more than two hours.

To be more precise, the two buns were responsible for flying and Lin Qianyi was responsible for running. They ran for more than two hours and almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"Okay babies, it's time for us to have dinner, no more playing."

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Lin Qianyi suddenly felt like she was finally relieved.

"Oh well."

Seeing her brother nodding towards her, Di Moxin was willing to stop.

Hearing that her babies agreed, Lin Qianyi almost cried. Playing games with the children, without good physical strength, was really a bit sad.

After Lin Qianyi moved to the restaurant with difficulty, she immediately slumped down on the chair, obviously very tired.

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