Therefore, in order to save his hard work and his status, he chose to give up his dignity and bowed his head to Xia Yuwei, who had always scorned him.

Looking at Xia Xueli, who had always disdained her, Xia Yuwei's heart became extraordinarily peaceful at this moment.

Maybe it's because of the feeling that the anger of these years has just been retaliated in one go.

Moreover, Xia Xueli and the others have received even more stares from many people during the two weeks since the Xia family was in crisis.

At first, Xia Yuwei felt very happy, but after the happiness passed, she seemed extremely calm.

"Think it's your fault?"

Xia Yuwei glanced at Xia Xueli lightly, "It seems that you still think that you are not wrong, after all, you are the general manager of the Xia Group."

Xia Yuwei seemed to be speaking, without any strange emotion in her tone.

"I'm sorry, everything is my fault, Yuwei, please let Xia family go."

Xia Xueli gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

"The person you should ask is not me, but my daughter."

Xia Yuwei said coldly.

Originally, Xia Xueli was at his limit to bow his head to Xia Yuwei, but now he wanted to bow his head to Lin Qian Yi, a junior, it was like stepping on his dignity on the ground!

Lin Qian Yi, on the other hand, looked at Xia Xueli with a half-smile.

She wants to see whether Xia Xueli chooses his vain dignity, or the Xia family that can make him rich and prosperous.

Di Yanmo hugged his little wife into his arms, making her lean on comfortably, and quietly looked at her fair and tender cheeks with his deep eyes.

After struggling for a while, Xia Xueli finally made up his mind between dignity and wealth.

"I'm sorry Qian Yi, it's been my fault all these years, please save Xia Shi, even if I beg you!"

As Xia Xueli said, he lowered his flushed old face and clenched his hands into fists, controlling the humiliation in his heart.

Lin Qian Yi didn't open her mouth, she just looked at Xia Xueli quietly until she had enjoyed enough of Xia Xueli's embarrassment.

Lin Qian Yi looked at her mother, and silently asked her what she meant.

Xia Yuwei shrugged her shoulders, meaning to let her decide for herself, it doesn't matter to her as a mother.

After getting the old lady's message, Lin Qian Yi glanced at Xia Xueli, and then at Xia Baizhi.

"Since the Xia Clan has my mother's share, then the Xia Clan will naturally not fail, right, Yanmo?"

Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly and said, then looked up at the human cushion behind her.

The corners of Di Yanmo's mouth twitched slightly, "Yes."

Di Yanmo's response completely relieved the restless Xia Xueli and the old man of the Xia family.

As long as there are Di Yanmo's words, they believe that the crumbling Xia Clan will soon regain its glory!

"Thank you, thank you Qianyi."

Xia Xueli's face was full of joy, and although he didn't want to, he still said thank you.

Otherwise, what if Lin Qian Yi is dissatisfied with him and suddenly changes his mind?

"It's late, Mom, let's go back and rest."

Lin Qian Yi completely ignored Xia Xueli, looked at the tired old lady gently, and asked.


Xia Yuwei blinked some sore eyes, then quickly reacted and nodded, "Okay, let's go back, you've been filming all day, you must have a good rest after you go back."

Xia Yuwei saw a trace of fatigue appearing on her daughter's face, she couldn't help touching her daughter's little face, and said with concern.

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