
Di Bowen knelt on the ground with one foot, covered his kicked chest, and coughed dryly in pain.

Di Bowen's eyes were fixed on the ground, and a sternness flashed in his eyes.

However, in the end he still didn't speak, but acquiesced to Di Yanmo's kick.

And Di Yanmo looked at him condescendingly.

"It's best not to let me find out anything, otherwise...they will be your end!"

Di Yanmo said coldly, his deep eyes flashing with murderous intent.

After finishing speaking, Di Yanmo hugged Lin Qian Yi and left without waiting for Di Bowen's response.

When leaving, Di Yanmo glanced at Chen Zhong.

As the existence of Di Yanmo's left and right arms, Chen Zhong naturally knew the meaning of his boss.

After Di Yanmo left, several figures suddenly appeared and took away Wang Zhiyong and Wang Zhiyong who had passed out from pain.

As for where to take it, I know that some people know it.

However, it is definitely not a good place.

Before those figures left, Chen Zhong approached a certain person, said a few words to him, and then left.

However, everyone really felt the warning gaze from Chen Zhong before he left.

No need to think, everyone will know what that means.

It is nothing more than telling them to shut up and be clear about what should be said and what should not be said.

However, these, without Chen Zhong's warning, they all knew what to do.

After all, the methods of the invisible emperor in city A are not something people like them can afford.

Seeing that Di Yanmo's people had all left and did nothing to them, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Di Yanmo didn't silence them.

After the crowd dispersed, Di Bowen slowly stood up.

And his seemingly calm eyes were filled with a sinister light, and at the same time, there was a hint of unwillingness hidden in his eyes.

Obviously he is the eldest son, so why did Di Yanmo take the position of head of the family, and also got the Di Clan Group!

He is not reconciled, not reconciled!

However, he also knew.

No matter how unwilling he was, he still couldn't change it. Between him and Di Yanmo, he was the one who failed!

And he, a loser, dared not even resist in front of the winner.

Just like just now, he could only silently bear the humiliation that Di Yanmo gave him.

Just because Di Yanmo is the winner, a winner who can completely crush him!

But...not anytime soon.

The reason why Di Yanmo was able to defeat him completely was because the former Di Yanmo had no weaknesses.

But now...

Thinking of this, Di Bowen's eyes shone with a strange light, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a triumphant arc.

Lin Qian Yi Bainen's face flashed in his mind, and a look of pity appeared on Di Bowen's face.

It's a pity that such a rare woman who is interested is ruined like this.

However, this is a pity, compared to the Patriarch of the Emperor Family and the Emperor Group, it is insignificant!

Lin Qian Yi didn't know that it was just because she tricked herself by mistake this time that she caused unnecessary trouble.

However, even if she knew, she would not be afraid.

After all, in addition to being strong in combat, she also has a lot of brains.

But... It's nothing compared to kissing fourth master.

Lin Qian Yi was hugged by Di Yanmo and walked out of the Diming Bar. The cold wind blew in an instant, which made Lin Qian Yi's dazed mind clearer.

"Dear fourth master?"

Lin Qian Yi raised her head from Di Yanmo's body, looked at the extremely familiar handsome face in front of her, tilted her head and let out a suspicious cry.

It was as if he didn't know why his own fourth master appeared in front of his eyes.

"Well, it's me, it's all right."

Di Yanmo's face instantly softened, he reached out to touch his little wife's face, and said soothingly.

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