My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 277 She Came to Find Problems with Her Fourth Master


Di Yanmo stretched out his hand and gently scratched the tip of his little wife's nose, and asked amusedly.


Lin Qian Yi nodded with a smile, scanning the documents on the table.

However, after looking at it for a long time, she didn't see why, she just felt dumbfounded.

There are several documents spread out on the huge table, and each document is a different type of text.

It's like going to heaven!

And on the computer, all kinds of straight lines and curves are simply tricky to see, is there any!

"Can you understand all of this?"

Lin Qian Yi stretched out her paw, pointed to the files on the desktop, and the two computers displaying various data and asked.


Di Yanmo responded in a low voice, closed his eyes, and felt the softness in his arms.

The softness that made him incomparably addicted.

Lin Qian Yi wrinkled her nose, then picked up a document, pointed to a paragraph and asked:

"What does this passage mean?"

Di Yanmo lowered his head and bit her tender earlobe for his young wife's obviously suspicious behavior.

Then, when Lin Qian Yi was about to explode, she translated the meaning of that paragraph.

Lin Qian Yi still didn't believe it, so she continued to take several other documents and questioned them one by one.

In the end, there was no doubt that Di Yanmo answered them one by one.

Lin Qian Yi secretly admired her fourth master, he was so talented, he was almost omnipotent!

However, Lin Qian Yi had a gloomy look on her face.

After all, she's here to find fault now, isn't she?

Yes, that's right!

She came here to find fault with her fourth master!

After finding faults, she has a reason to educate her fourth master.

Thinking of the scene of educating her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but smile smugly.

However, she hid the smug smile well on her face.

"Okay, you can continue to work, I'll just sit like this and stay with you."

Lin Qian Yi looked at her fourth master and said with a smile.

Looking at his little wife who was smiling like a little fox, Di Yanmo frowned slightly, and a dark light flashed in his deep eyes.

His little wife, is this trying to seduce him?

Was he not trying hard enough last night? Not enthusiastic enough?

It seems that the little wife's begging for mercy last night was actually meant to let him continue, right?

In an instant, Di Yanmo's eyes on his little wife became a little hot.

The little wife loves 'sports', so, as a husband, he is naturally very happy to accompany her.

If Lin Qian Yi knew what her fourth master was thinking, she would definitely blow up immediately.

Plus run away from home.

Not working hard enough? Not enthusiastic enough? !

From non-stop exercise at night to most of the night, still not working hard enough, not enthusiastic enough? !

Is this going to heaven? !

and! What she hates the most is 'sports'!

Because, after every exercise, she will be extremely sour.

That kind of sourness made her very bitter, very bitter!

She would rather have a fight with someone else.

Because, when fighting with others, she can abuse them completely.

And to 'sport' with her fourth master, she was completely abused by his fourth master, okay?

And there is no way to resist!

It should be said that she couldn't resist at all, and instantly fell into the tenderness prepared for her by her fourth master!

It's just too cheating!

Sensing her fourth master's gaze slowly becoming hot, Lin Qian Yi's heart skipped a beat.

With big bright eyes, he immediately looked at his fourth master vigilantly, as if guarding against wolves.

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