However, when he thought of Di Yanmo's cruel methods, he immediately withdrew the hand he was about to reach out just now.

So Di Beifang's butt made an intimate and solid contact with the hard floor.

Immediately, a scream suddenly sounded in the huge restaurant.


When Di Beifang fell to the ground, Lin Qian Yi clearly felt that the floor of the hall shook.

Seeing Di Beifang's painful face, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but glance at Di Fenghuang.

She could clearly see Di Fenghuang's actions just now.

He wanted to help his mother, but in the end he withdrew his hand, allowing his mother to fall to the ground.

Even now, he just watched his mother's face in pain, without any intention of helping her.

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help sneering.

Mother and daughter?

People who don't know think they are just strangers, or they are worse than strangers.

At least, some kind-hearted strangers would choose to help them instead of watching indifferently.

The rest of the Emperor's family didn't intend to help Emperor Beifang either, instead they looked like they were watching a play.

Since some people are willing to be the first bird, they are naturally happy to watch the show, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

And the old man sitting at the first place just frowned when he saw his daughter's ugly appearance.

Didn't say much.

In his eyes, interests are absolute.

This daughter who has been married but has returned to the Emperor's family has no value to him.

Therefore, as long as this daughter doesn't interfere with his interests, he doesn't mind raising her for nothing.

But... Once his interests are touched, he doesn't mind letting her get out of the Emperor's house!

Regarding the reactions of the imperial family, Lin Qian Yi could see all of them.

Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking to herself:

It seems that this emperor's family is not peaceful, and the atmosphere of conspiracy and undercurrents should not be too obvious!

However, Lin Qian Yi was not worried about her fourth master.

Because, her family's fourth master is the invisible emperor of city A, and at the same time, the head of the emperor's family holds the existence of the emperor's group.

Her fourth master can overwhelm these people and sit in the high position of God's family, so how can he be a simple person?

Her fourth master was able to suppress them once, the second time, and the third time.

Until they can no longer overcome the storm!

Little Baozi, who was rolling his eyes just now, saw Di Beifang slumped to the ground, and immediately had a bright smile on his face.

Then she turned her head to Lin Qian Yi and smiled.

Then, under Lin Qian Yi's suspicious gaze, she jumped off the chair and walked around beside Di Beifang who had fallen to the ground.

"It's so pitiful."

Xiao Baozi wrinkled his baby's fat face, lowered his head with a distressed expression, and said softly.

Di Beifang, who was originally full of pain and shame, became even more angry after hearing Xiao Baozi's words.

"Go away, kid! I'm not in the mood to talk to you now."

Di Beifang gave Xiao Baozi a vicious look, and then struggled to get up.

As for the little bun, the little hand hidden behind his back was slightly opened, and a small glass bead slipped to the floor.


After releasing the small glass beads.

The little bun decisively exited the danger zone, and covered his little ears with a pair of chubby little hands.

Xiao Baozi nodded in satisfaction that his ears were not attacked by the screams.

Then, like a little adult, with a pair of small hands behind his back, he looked at Di Beifang... the floor under his butt.

"Floor, floor, you are so pitiful, you were sitting on two buttocks, are you broken?"

The little bun had a look of pity, as if he was really taking pity on the floor.

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