My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 301 Undercurrents of the Emperor's Family

"Ah, yes, it seems that I misremembered. A certain person not only squeezed her back into her natal family, but also forced her daughter to change the Di family's surname, as if as long as it is Di's surname, it is really the Di family."

Di Yanwei hugged his little bun, and Chi Guoguo mocked.

The little bun nestled in his mother's arms, happily watching Di Beifang's face change.

It's so fun to look at that face that looks like Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations.

Little Baozi thought happily, his big eyes are curved, not to mention how cute they are.

What the two of them said not only changed Di Beifang's face, but even Di Fenghuang's face couldn't be better.

As Di Beifang's daughter, even if she didn't do those things, she would be implicated.

Just because everyone said that like a mother, like a daughter.

When her father was in distress, her mother betrayed her husband without hesitation, and even changed her daughter's surname to clear the relationship.

Once such a thing happened, people in City A would not dare to blatantly despise and laugh at Di Beifang because of the majesty of the Di family.

However, there were many people who mocked Di Beifang secretly.

Even though it has been four years since that incident, the people still remember Di Beifang's scandal.

Even her daughter is clearly remembered.

As a result, she was thirty years old, and no one dared to associate with her, let alone marry her.

And all of this was because of Di Beifang's mother, so Di Fenghuang hated and hated Di Beifang.

I can't wait to get rid of all ties with her, I can't wait to stay away from City A and go to other places.

However, she knew that with her mother's cruel methods, even if she really left, her mother would not let her go.

Just because she is still useful to this so-called mother!

Thinking of how her mother often introduced her to those men, Di Fenghuang's hatred for Di Beifang grew stronger in his heart.

"You, you guys are too deceitful! Don't forget, there is a father in this family!"

Di Beifang's face was distorted and ferocious, and she immediately pulled out the old man of the Di family, trying to give herself some confidence.

However, as soon as Di Beifang's words came out, the face of Di Xiong, the old man of the Di family, suddenly darkened.

Looking at Di Beifang, it was as if he was looking at a garbage that disgusted him.

"You don't think it's enough to embarrass yourself?! How long are you going to make trouble? If you don't want to stay in the Di's house, get out of the Di's house!"

Noticing Di Yanmo's cold gaze sweeping towards him, Dixiong's wrinkled old face became more and more ugly.

It was said by roaring directly at Di Beifang, almost smashing the crutch in his hand.

At this moment, Dixiong simply wanted to strangle this mindless daughter to death.

Not only is she brainless, but she is also committing suicide as always, not only committing suicide, but also trying to drag him down!

Simply stupid!

Although he really wanted to see Di Yanmo change his face, and really wanted to take back the sovereignty of the Di family from Di Yanmo.

However, that can only come secretly.

On the bright side, he absolutely dare not.

It's just because he can't see through this grandson Di Yanmo at all, and he is still a little afraid of this grandson in his heart.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, his fear and dread of Di Yanmo's grandson was real.

Therefore, he was so angry when Di Beifang got involved with him, and it also showed that he would not stand on Di Beifang's side.

To be precise, he will not be an enemy of Di Yanmo, at least on the surface.

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