My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 364 Playing a scoundrel or something, it's really scary!

It was Xia Baizhi!

That Xia Baizhi who hated her to the bone!

Lin Qian Yi never imagined that Xia Baizhi would go so mad in order to deal with her.

That temporary shed had a lot of sharp nails, once it was smashed straight on, it would be crippled even if it didn't die.

Moreover, at that time, besides her, there were many staff members.

Aren't they afraid of killing people? Or is human life so worthless in their eyes?

Lin Qian Yi was shining brightly with biting coldness. At this time, she was completely different from her usual appearance.

Even Yan Yi who was on the side could clearly feel the strong sense of oppression emanating from Lin Qian Yi.

Shock flashed across Yan's eyes, but he felt relieved when he thought that Lin Qian Yi was chosen by his boss.

How can the person his boss likes be a simple person?

At least, he has never seen that after his wife was bullied, she returned to the Virgin Mary, saying that she could endure for a while.

On the contrary, if others bully her one point, she will pay others ten points!

It's simply too powerful!

"Do you need me to do it?"

Di Yanmo didn't seem to notice the coldness emanating from the little wife beside him, he gently rubbed her little head with his big hand, and asked respectfully.

Staring at the still playing video on the laptop, Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"No, if someone respects me a foot, I have to respect them back, right? Otherwise, it will appear that I am too impolite."

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up with a hint of evil charm, and she said meaningfully.


With that said, Lin Qian Yi smiled and looked at the fourth master beside her, and asked back.

Di Yanmo smiled indulgently, leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly, "Well, be careful, don't let yourself get hurt, otherwise..."

As he spoke, a hint of danger flashed across Di Yanmo's deep eyes, and then he quickly nibbled her earlobe lightly.

The meaning implied in it is very obvious.

Lin Qian Yi's white and tender face immediately flushed.

It's really scary that her fourth master is acting like a rascal!

Can she sleep separately from her fourth master? At most, she will feel wronged and sleep in the study.

However... is it possible?

The answer is obvious, never, can, can!

Sensing the danger emanating from her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi immediately faltered, shrinking her neck weakly.

Nodding obediently, "Don't worry, I will never give them another chance to hurt me. I want them to know that if you do something, you must pay the price!"

Thinking of the scene of escaping from death just now, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help flashing a killing intent in her eyes.

As cold as a queen of hell, dominating the life and death of others.

Looking at the domineering little wife, the pampering in Di Yanmo's deep eyes became more and more intense.

Well, his little wife is very cute in every way, and he loves it very much.

Looking at the two who are head to head, showing their affection, Yan Yi next to him is a hard worker!

Obviously he is no longer single, and has a virtuous fiancee, is he being abused because of wool? !

In order not to continue being abused, Yan Yi risked his life.

He coughed twice, reminding the two who showed affection, that there is still a human creature like him here.

"Ahem, ma'am, we haven't found out the person in the video, but we should be able to find out in an hour."

When Yan Yi was talking, he stared straight ahead, not daring to look at the two who showed affection.

Fearing that his boss would be jealous, he was sent to the North Pole to live with the polar bear.

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